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Basic information andfacts

The enzyme inquestion belongs to the group of the proteases, i.e. the enzymes that are responsiblefor the protein hydrolyzation (protein digestion). The richest source and the oneit is extracted from is the pineapple fruit. When it comes to its benefits,this enzyme is considered to be quite effective and helpful when there is aneed to reduce and bring under control the inflammation of the muscles and thetissues, and it also plays an important role in the entire digestionprocess. In addition, this enzyme is considered to be a fairly beneficial andsuccessful blood thinner, as well as anti-inflammatory substance that operatesby breaking down fibrin (blood-clotting protein), which is known to have thetendency to hinder proper blood circulation and proper tissue drainage. Yetanother benefit is that it is extremely effective in hindering the productionof various compounds that are responsible for inducing the swelling and intensepain. Once the inflammation is brought under control, this makes it a whole loteasier for the blood to circulate and reach the area that has been traumatizeddue to the presence of the inflammation, and relieve pain and speed up theentire recovery process.

Special benefits

Besides the benefitsmentioned above, bromelain’s other specialties include:

Alleviates and relieves variousmuscle strains and accompanying painExtremely effective and helpful inreduction of bruising, swelling, redness and tenderness, which can occur as adirect consequence of various tissue related injuries, aches and pain befallingperson’s muscles, or as a direct consequence of the surgical procedureAnti-inflammatory properties andeffect on the musclesQuite helpful in drainage process ofthe excessive fluidsAlleviates pain directly related toarthritis, stiffness of the back and inflammation of the joints chronic innatureHelps facilitate proper digestion byproviding additional assistance to such digestive enzymes as trypsin and pepsinProvides relief from heartburn,chronic bronchitis (suppresses cough, as well as relieve congestion),respiratory allergies, sinusitis, goutAlleviates the carpal tunnel syndromeby reducing the swelling of the tissue, as well as the swelling of the fingersand the accompanying pain.Ameliorates injuries of lesserseriousness and intensity such as minor cuts, scrapes, stings and insect bites

Proper dosage

According to somedoctors, the appropriate amount to be taken three times during the day, and fora couple of days is as much as 3.000 MCU (milk clotting units), which isdirectly to be followed by 2.000 MCU also three times during the day. But, asmany researches have indicated, an acceptable amount is far smaller and itequals around 500 MCU, four times in the course of the day.

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