Causes of burning sensation in breasts
There are numerous reasons behind the occurrence of the breast burning sensation.
Paresthesia is the medical term for the abnormal sensation of skin, and it is one of the causes for the breast burning sensation since the woman with paresthesia feels uncommon numbness, prickling and tingling on the skin. Even though the main cause for paresthesia is not established yet, there are several conditions that contribute to the appearance of it, such as poor diet, an injury, connective tissue disease and malignancy, as well as porphyria and Lyme disease. The burning sensation in the breast may also appear in women who suffer from diabetes since when the body is unable to regulate the blood glucose levels, the nerves become entrapped due to excessive sugar in the blood. The entrapment of the nerve that supplies the breast results in the appearance of tingling and burning sensation in the breasts. Sunburn is also responsible for the incidence of the breast burning sensation. When the breast skin is exposed to the sun’s rays for a long period of time, not only the epidermis is damaged, but also the dermis beneath the epidermis, thus leading to the occurrence of a burning sensation in the breasts. If the woman has silicone implants in her breasts, the burning sensation may be a symptom of the implants ruptures. Apart from this symptom, pain, tingling and numbness, as well as distortion of the breasts may also appear. The burning sensation in the breasts may also occur due to the condition called Paget’s disease, which is featured by the enlarged and deformed bone that may even appear in the nipples of the breasts. The main symptoms of Paget’s disease are skin rash on the nipple and areola and burning sensation in the breasts. In most cases, the woman with this condition suffers from breast cancer. Cerebrovascular accident is a condition that is also responsible for the incidence of the breast burning sensation. When the brain does not receive sufficient amounts of blood, it can cause the dying of the cells in some parts of the body, and when cardiovascular accident affects the breast, the main symptom of it is exactly the burning sensation in this part of the body.Other potential culprits of the burning sensation in the breast are premenstrual syndrome and pregnancy.
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