Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure in which implants are placed beneath the skin of the breasts or beneath the very breast tissue. In some operation, the surgeon places the implant even beneath the muscles of the rib cage. The procedure is rather safe. However, there are several complications that can develop after the breast augmentation.Complications of Breast Augmentation
Infection is only one of possible complications. It mostly occurs a few days or even weeks after the surgery. Sometimes infections develop long after the incision has healed completely. In most severe cases the implants need to be removed and after the complete healing of the infective process a woman undergoes additional surgery of breast augmentation.
Another complication is symmastia. In these patients breasts are too close to each other. This problem can be easily solved if the implants that are already present are replaced with the smaller ones.
Human body always reacts to foreign tissue. This is why our body forms a special capsule around the implant. This capsule can contract and deform the implant. This complication is rather rare and usually develops months after the surgery. Patients whose breasts have been deformed by the capsule have to undergo additional operation. They need either to replace the implants or to remove them since even after the second procedure the process of capsular contraction may happen again. Sometimes implants can burst.
For this type of surgery it is not common that patient loses a lot of blood. However one of the possible complications is excessive bleeding. It mostly affects patients suffering from coagulopathies. Hypercoagulation can occur but it is not so common after breast augmentation.
Bruising is a normal reaction to the trauma and the bruises tend to fade away in a week. More severe complication is seroma which is a collection of fluid under the skin of the operated area. The fluid from seroma can be absorbed in time. If not, the surgeon can drain the fluid collection.
In most severe cases a patient can experience rejection of the implants. Some patients unfortunately develop necrosis of the skin. This happens if the surgery is conducted after the radiotherapy of the breast area due to breast carcinoma.
Patient may complain about the loss of sensations in the nipple area. This complication is transitive and is caused if the incision line is around the nipple.
Cosmetic complications include large scars, excessive wrinkling in the breast area and abnormalities in breast appearance. Not all the women are satisfied with the new looks of their breasts.
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