The conclusion of the Alzheimer’s Prevention and Research Foundation in Tucson, Arizona was that, even if aging is inevitable, loss of memory and Alzheimer’s are not.
Researches point to direction where lifestyle and proper diet play important role in prevention of Alzheimer’s.
This very same active lifestyle and diet also help against heart disease and diabetes.
Even if there are signs of Alzheimer’s, it seems that a person can function just fine, as long as the heart remains healthy and without diabetes. This enables the brain to create supplementary circulation. Sometimes, loosing circulation because of mini strokes is what starts the dementia.
It was found in studies that those brains that were loaded with plaque, belonged to women that were showing no signs of dementia, and that some of those with a lesser amount of plaque belonged to women with cognitive impairment. Due to complete records of their regular habits, it was possible to make a connection with eating habits, exercise, continued learning and education.
Although it may seem that prescription drugs are the only treatment for Alzheimer’s, there are many nutritional and alternative treatments available.
They can be a good addition to a healthy lifestyle and help to keep good brain function. In order to choose which supplements to use, it is advisable to consult a doctor, or a knowledgeable health practitioner.
A Comprehensive Multivitamin should be used because Folic acid helps to reduce homocysteine, which is a risk factor for strokes and heart disease. It has been discovered that the amount of brain damage stands in the opposite proportion with the levels of folic acid in blood.
Folic acid is to be taken with vitamin B12. Vitamin C is a strong antioxidant and it helps the message transmission through the brain.
CoEnzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is a strong antioxidant. It also helps the brain to function. The loss of CoEnzyme Q10 due to aging should be supplemented. This has been proved as both safe and efficient.
Alpha Lipoic Acid is an efficient antioxidant. It protects nerve cells of diabetics and prevents stroke damage. It can be taken orally and it will raise the level of glutathione in brain cells. Its low levels point towards possible degenerative brain disorders, chronic diseases, or even early death.
Gingko Biloba has been associated with memory improvement for a long time. It is assumed that it has a blood thinning effect. In case of stroke, it can diminish or even prevent brain damage. About 50 percent of people respond to this supplement.
Phosphatidyl Serine has shown a significant improvement of memory performance in most patients. With the advanced Alzheimer’s patients, however, it has not been very effective.
Alzheimer’s is not an inevitable part of normal aging. It can be prevented through a healthy diet, useful supplements, and brain exercises.
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