Just like every other organ in our body, the brain can also benefit from certain supplements, due to their beneficial features. People do not think about this part of the body too much, at least until the aging process begins to affect their memory and concentration, but the fact is that we should not wait until this happens to implement brainpower supplements in our diet. Since the greatest majority of them is not expensive and is widely available, people should use them regularly in order to protect the brain against the toxic damage and in order to support and improve its functions.
What brainpower supplements are safe?
Vinpocetine, phosphotidyl serine, ginkgo biloba, Saint John’s Wort and taurine are some of those brainpower supplements that are considered the safest.
Vinpocetine is an extract obtained from the periwinkle plant, and it is primarily used in order to increase the flow of the blood to the brain. This results in better oxygenation and thus in better mental alertness and perception. It has a positive effect on the metabolism of the brain and on the circulatory system, which certainly improves cognitive function and enhances memory.Phosphotidyl serine has the ability to activate communication between the cells, thus improving the functioning of particular receptors, regulating the growth of the cells and preparing them for activity. This all has a positive effect on the brainpower and memory. What might be the best about this medication is that it does not have side effects.Ginkgo biloba improves the blood flow to the brain, and it can be found in the form of capsules or tea. It might be a bit more expensive than the previous two brainpower supplements, but it can be bought in any health food shop.Saint John’s Wort is practically a kind of weed that might as well grow in the nearby garden or yard. Its effects on the power of the brain haven’t been confirmed officially, but many people claim that besides the fact that it improves the mood, it makes the brain function better as well.Taurine is an amino acid that tends to act as a chemical transmitter in the brain, and since it is an important intracellular antioxidant for this organ, it should definitely be used for this purpose.Aside from these, folic acid, vitamin B6 and B12, L-Glutamine and L-Glycine are also good brainpower supplements.
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