Before taking any of the available supplements it is best to consult a doctor. This also refers to brain supplements. Some people believe that periodical usage of supplements can be healthy and that it can provide with sufficient amount of all the necessary nutrients that cannot be taken with food. But the best way is not to go too far with supplements. The most convenient option is proper dieting but in case that one is not eating properly or needs additional nutrients due to some medical conditions supplements can be of great help. The doctor will recommend the type of supplement and the exact dose. This is why the consultations are very important as patient can be fully informed about what he/ she is going to take and how it will work.
Supplements for Brain HealthGingkoMany people were convinced that Gingko can be highly effective in the prevention of dementia. But the recently published study did not confirm this hypothesis. The problem with Ginkgo is that is can interact with anticoagulants and cause serious damage. This is why these two should never be combined. Until Gingko is proved to be effective for brain health it needs to be studied thoroughly and this is why people should be cautious if they want to use it. Fish Oil-Omega 3 Fatty AcidBoth, brain and heart can amazingly benefit from omega-3 fatty acids. These acids are commonly found in some types of fish. The sufficient amount of omega-3 fatty acids can be obtained if one consumes two cold fish meals each week. In case this is not possible a person may consult his/ her doctor and discuss a possible intake of omega-3 supplements. Apart from fish omega-3 fatty acids are also available in walnuts and almonds.Folic AcidFolic acid can be excellent protector against stroke. Additionally, one study confirmed that prolonged usage of folic acid (three years in a row) can significantly improve cognitive function in adult people. People who do not consume enough food rich in folic acid may use supplements but under doctor's supervision.Vitamin C and Vitamin EThese two vitamins can be also helpful for maintenance of brain health. Vitamin C is hydrosoluble and can be excreted in urine. On the other side, vitamin E is liposoluble and there are intake limitations of this vitamin. If not taken in proper amount through food vitamins C and E can be taken in a form of supplements. People should pay attention to required and maximum allowed intake of each of these vitamins.AntioxidantsBrain can significantly benefit from antioxidants. These substances are present in a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables. Mediterranean diet is an excellent source of different antioxidants. Antioxidants can be also available in a form of supplements. Still if people can get proper supply of antioxidants from food there is no need for supplements.Vitamin DVitamin D is not particularly recommended for brain health. Still its deficiency can also affect brain function. This is why it is necessary for vitamin D to be present in sufficient amounts. Vitamin D synthesizes in the skin during the expose to the sun. It is not so present in regular food. Some fish oil contains vitamin D.
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