Candidiasis is a medical condition that features with overgrowth of Candida species. It can affect the skin and gastrointestinal tract. In women vaginal candidiasis commonly occurs as well.
The symptoms of candidiasis can be reduced with certain medications and creams. But in case of gastrointestinal candidiasis one should also pay attention to food as certain foods can help the yeast overgrowth while other can be highly effecting in eradication of this irritating fungi.
Gastrointestinal candidiasis has become more evident since the food we are consuming has become rich in sugar and refined carbohydrates. These substances are excellent food source for Candida.
The goal of the therapy, both medicamentous and dietary, is to bring bacterial flora of gastrointestinal tract under control as this will also result in suppression of Candida overgrowth.
Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Candidiasis
Majority of patients complain about diarrhea and abdominal cramps. This is especially present after eating food rich in sugar and carbohydrates. The cramps can be rather intensive. Even antispasmodic medications cannot solve the problem of spasms. Bloating is another symptom of gastrointestinal candidiasis. More effective drug is certainly Nystatin which is antifungal medication. Still if Nystatin is used it is best to be combined with specific dietary regimes.
Diet during Candidiasis
The best thing one can do is to restrict the intake of sugar and carbohydrates. Sugar and carbohydrates only cause overgrowth of Candida species. So low- carbohydrate diet is essential. Additionally, these fungi can also feed with milk and dairy products. Logically, restriction in this compartment has to be present as well. And finally, foods that contain yeast such as bread, alcoholic beverages and so on also need to be avoided since they can enhance the multiplication of this yeast.
A person may consume salads, meat, fish and poultry. Fresh vegetables are recommended as well. While preparing meals even certain spices such as rosemary, thyme, marjoram and lemon balm can be effective in eradication of Candida.
Citrus fruit is suitable while those which contain lots of carbohydrates and sugar must be avoided.
Nutritional Supplements
Nutritional supplements may be recommended to patients who are under therapy with certain medications which can lead to Candida overgrowth. These medications include antibiotics, corticosteroids etc.
Grapefruit seed extract is efficient in battle against yeast. Additionally, caprylic acid from coconuts is available.
Acidophilus, or probiotic bacteria, can be supplemented via capsules.
Aloe vera juice can help with healing of the damage in gastrointestinal tract caused by Candida species.
Butyric acid, the one present in butter as well as slippery elm are additional supplements that can be taken. N-acetyl cistein is also suitable for healing.
Still before taking any of these supplements for Candida infection one should consult his/ her doctor.
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