Oral Candidiasis
Oral yeast infections or oral thrushes are quite frequent inboth children and adults. Newborn babies are very prone to this condition, andin most cases this is just a temporary condition. However, oral candidiasis(since the yeast causing the problem is Candida) in adults may indicate problemin the immune system of this patient.
Candida albicans normally lives on human skin, and some 30to 60% of healthy humans have this yeast on their skin. In some cases, whensomething affects the body, Candida starts to overgrow and causes oral candidiasis. This condition must be treated, or elseit could affect throat and esophagus and cause other health problems, or even systemic candidiasis.
Symptoms may include redness of the tongue, with patches orpeeling of the surface, redness (known as angular cheilitis) on the edges of themouth or some extra tissue that can’t be wiped off the mouth. In some patients oralcandidiasis may present itself as the burning of that particular affected area.Newborns should be watched for irritability and restlessness during the feeding,which indicates candidiasis in the mouth. Sometimes, babies refuse pacifiers becauseof oral candidiasis, and you should look out for that sign, too.
Medications are known to be the risk factor for developmentof oral candidiasis, as well as some systemic diseases and the use ofantibiotic drugs. Certain food allergies, lack of important minerals or vitamins,irritation of the mouth or modifications of salivary patterns are also some ofthe factors. Anxiety, stress or even depression can also trigger candidiasis. Sometimes,change in physiological condition may also lead to the development of the sameproblem. Infancy, pregnancy, different diets, lack of iron, diabetes,hypoadrenalism and hypothyroidism may all be blamed for Candida overgrowth. Baddental hygiene in patients who have dentures may also be the cause of candidiasis.
Medications for Oral Thrush
Anti-fungal drugs are efficient against oral candidiasis. Yourdoctor might recommend ketoconazole such as Nizoral, monistat or Mycelex, aswell as some triazole anti-fungal medications, like fluconazole or itraconazole. Amphothericin B and Nystatin are othertreatment options for patients suffering from oral thrush.
Although effective, medications can’t solve the originalcause of Candida overgrowth. They can be used only as the short term relief,especially if candidiasis is recurrent problem. Natural and holistic remedies,such as herbal preparations or homeopathic treatments can address the root ofthe problem and cure it. Diet and lifestyle changes and detoxification can alsoeradicate Candida for good.
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