Depression is a very serious mental disorder that can affect your daily life dramatically. It is very important that in cases that you think that you may be suffering for depression to consult your doctor immediately. Symptoms of depression may be concentration problems, nervousness, irritability or various types of sleeping disorders.
There are many pharmaceutical medicaments that are used in depression treatments, but many of them have side effects and change the brain chemistry. Also some patients do not respond well to drugs, but they do respond to dietary supplements therapies.
Although there are many kinds of marketed supplements today, you should consult both your doctor and your psychiatrist about which one to choose that would be best for you and your type of depression symptoms. You should never experiment on your own, without medical supervision. Same goes about dosage and a period of time to use some of those supplements.
Supplement for Depression
Amino acids
Neurotransmitters in the part of the brain that triggers depression are affected with amino acids. Vitamins, minerals, and other dietary supplements are rich in those amino acids which are very beneficial to depression disorders. There are various supplements rich in amino acids that will not only help you with your depression problems but boost your overall health as well. You should ask for recommendation.
Vitamin B12
Several medical studies shows that people with chronic depression have lower levels of vitamin B12 in their bodies. So it is very important that people with depression problems to have enough of vitamin B12 and its supplements in their daily diet.
5-HTP is a supplement that is very efficient in cases of depression. It is believed that this supplement raises the levels of neurotransmitter serotonin in the brain, keeping you mental edge and stability.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Supplement of this natural remedy is very efficient for depression problems, and it can be taken in various foods like avocados, fresh fish, dark chocolate, nuts or in a form of pills.
St. John’s worth
This herb is one of the most commonly used supplements in depression treatments. It contains components which are very effective as antidepressants.
Flaxseed oil
Oil of flaxseed is very good supplement for reduction of toxins in some areas of the brain in cases of depression.
It is very effective herbal supplement in treatment of more resistant or prolonged forms of depression.
Valerian is one of most popular herbal supplement used in cases of various mental disorders; it is commonly used in cases of mild depression or anxiety and it should not be used for a prolonged periods of time because it affects the brain chemistry.
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