There are different vitamins and minerals that can help you maintain your mental help or treat mental conditions you may have. The most efficient vitamin for your nervous system is vitamin B and minerals that are helpful are zinc and magnesium. These substances affect not only your nervous system but general health as well. They maintain a natural hormonal balance in our body and affect the production of neurotransmitters necessary for the transmission of the information through our brain and body. If there is a lack of some of these minerals and vitamins it can lead to change in the amount of neurotransmitters and it can be felt as a mental disorder such as depression or some other condition. Of course we do not experience it as a reduction of necessary substances but we feel that something is wrong whit us.
B vitamins are essential for the brain and nervous system functioning, and if there is a lack of vitamins that belong to this group, we experience it as psychological problem. If B vitamins are present in our body in much lower amount it can lead to threatening mental conditions like deep depression. Vitamin B complex includes Thiamine or vitamin B1, riboflavin or B2 and other B vitamins where vitamin B12 is also very significant. They all have different functions in our body. Lack of thiamine can result in depressive behavior and thoughts anxiety disorders and excitability. The practice has shown that individuals suffering frommental conditions especially from alcoholism and unbalanced diet, have lack of thiamine. Riboflavin is associated with psychotic disorders depressive condition and hysteria. Both riboflavin and thiamine are needed for production of certain types of enzymes which are beneficial for our central nervous system. Vitamin B12 is also important for our mental well-being and the lack of this substance can lead to depression, cognitive dysfunctions and psychotic conditions. The supplement of vitamin B complex is very effective in treatment of mild mental conditions. We are not certain if it can help in the treatment of psychosis because supplements are not generally used to treat these conditions. However it wouldn’t hurt for patients to take these supplements along with the medical therapy they are already using. Vitamin C is necessary for the forming of neurotransmitter called serotonin, which positively affects our state of mind and keeps us in good humor. If we don’t have enough serotonin in our brain, we can become sad and depressed.
Zinc affects function ofthe thyroid gland and the lack of zinc can lead to sadness and even problems with behavior. Magnesium is extremely important to our body particularly when we are under the stress. There is a variety of minerals that can be used to improve mental health. Even if you are not suffering from any illness you can use these supplements for prevention.
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