A rebounder is actually a small sized trampoline which is great because it can be used indoors. This can come in handy for those who like to exercise at home or have small children so they cannot easily leave home to exercise. The cushioning softens the impact of each movement which is good for the joints but it still provides one with a very good workout. Most rebounders take virtually no space and they can always be packed so that they can be stored flat easily.
One of the main health advantages of a rebounder is that a person realizes soon enough that is very enjoyable to keep oneself healthy by bouncing instead of other high impact activities such as skipping or jogging. One does not have to only bounce up and down in the same spot, because there are numerous workout routines that can be used and one can always experiment with them. A half hour of working out on a rebounder trampoline three times a week should be just fine to keep a person in good shape and enjoy it all the way through. Rebounder exercises are very efficient in perfecting and toning the muscles.
Regular workout sessions are beneficial in strengthening of the back and leg muscles and improving the overall muscle tone. These exercises improve the overall strength, provide the entire body with health and burn more fat. Regular rebounder workouts are also very efficient in improving one’s endurance very fast. One can notice that, the workout does not make the person feel that puffed anymore and the things that were difficult to do before are now easy.
As is the case with almost everything else in the world, there are a few cautions before using a rebounder. First of all, it may stress out a bladder that has already been weak. Those who suffer from a weak bladder should not that bouncing is not among the best of ideas. Those who still cannot help themselves should do kegels first and try the rebounder afterward. Ladies who indulge in bouncing should know that it is not that good for those with large breasts or those whose breasts are not properly supported with an adequate bra. If unsure, woman should definitely try the rebounder first before buying it. Those who do not have good balance should not indulge in bouncing or they should opt for a rebounder fitted with a support bar.
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