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Information on Beets

Beets can be characterized as red balls with a tail and are commonly not among the most favorite food items. They are not often on dinner plates, although they are one of the important ingredients of the famous Aunt Mabel’s family reunion salad. Beets come from the Chenopodicaeous family and they are very beneficial for the human body because they are jam packed with different types of essential minerals, vitamin and other types of important nutrients. They contain carotenoids, anthycyanins, lutein, phosphorus, zeaxanthin, copper, dietary fiber, iron, vitamin C and magnesium in abundant amounts. They have very little calories but on the other hand they contain plenty of sugar so that is why they are used for the production of refined sugar. The beet is a seasonal vegetables and is commonly used as a coloring agent and as an ingredient in pickles, soups and salads. It can be used for the prevention and treatment of anemia, heart diseases, indigestion, cancer, constipation, gallbladder disorders, piles, dandruff, poor blood circulation, skin problems and kidney disorders.

Health Benefits of Beets

Beets are very good for the overall health of the heart because they are very efficient in decreasing the levels of triglycerides, reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. They contain betaine which is very important when it comes to prevention of various cardiovascular diseases and stimulation of proper liver functions. Pregnant women should consume plenty of beets because they contain folate which is very beneficial for the infant and it prevents birth defects. Beets can also help in the prevention of cancers and tumors because they are very rich in betacyaninis. They can also be of great help in the prevention of lung cancer, asthma and various other types of respiratory problems. Beets are also very efficient in boosting the energy, preventing the cataract, supporting the structure of capillaries and reducing the risk of macular degeneration. Beets may also come in very handy when it comes to prevention of stroke, production of sex hormones, treatment of fever, wounds and digestive disorders. It is very important to stress out that beets can be very helpful in the prevention of certain types of cognitive disorders such as senile dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. They are also of great help in fighting the free radicals and reducing the damage they cause. Those who suffer from gallbladder and kidney disorders should avoid beets because they contain oxalates.

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