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Vitamins– what are they really for?

Quitea number of people is unaware of the role and the purpose the vitamins and mineralshave when it comes to helping a person stay in top health, as well as fit. Thisespecially goes for youngsters who are even less interested in what vitamins they should consume. On the other hand, thereare also those people who are convinced that taking a vitamin in the morning isenough to satisfy the daily needs of the body. Due to all this, enriched food startedto play extremely important role in thelives of the people today. And the main reason is that the market is infestedwith food varieties processed to such extent that one cannotactually acquire any benefits from it, let alone enjoy it the way he/she is supposed to. All this boils down tothe following – those people who are not in need of any additional vitamins are:

those who consume wild animals that have not been genetically altered,or even worse - fed and raised on various harmful chemicals,those whoconsume regularly organic vegetables that have not been touched by thegenetically engineered hand or chemicals,those who inhabit the parts of the country where the air is not polluted,those whose normalsleep lasts for eight hours,those who have a high intake of fresh water andthose who are active.

Giventhe fact that such people constitute only a tiny group, most of us are in adesperate need of additional vitamin sources. When it comes to Americans,translated in numbers, this means that 92% of people suffer from vitamindeficiency.

Factsand figures revealed

USDepartment of Agriculture has recently conducted a survey that has revealedthe following:

As many as 38% of American citizenslack proper amounts of vitamin C in the dietAs many as 40% lack enough ironAs many as 70% lack proper amounts ofvitamin EAs many as 75% lack zinc

Thisis quite concerning given the fact thatthe food available in America has shown to be quite poor in nutrients that would have the role to help a person in question maintain the best of health. And asif this is not difficult enough, people are constantly coming in touch withchemicals and pollutants in their most immediate environment, which has an extremely harmful effect on their immune system, and thus on their overallhealth. Therefore,for the greatest majority of people today vitamins and vitamin supplements area must, if they seek to maintain their health on a high level.

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