Acne (acne vulgaris) is not just a problem for teenagers; it can affect people from all ages. Acne must be treated in the proper way, or else it can cause many side effects which can result in even worse situation than we had at the beginning of the treatment.
However acne problems can be treated both by medical or alternative treatments. Usually, first we try to get rid of them medically, by paying a visit to dermathologist and taking prescribed medications. Those treatments usually demand patience in long lasting (several months) healing process, and still they don’t ensure us in successful end of the therapy. Alternative treatment of acne, on the other hand, provides us with natural, safer and cheaper solutions, and long term effects.
Inner and external triggers
As we already said, there are some advantages in alternative healing process of acne, and certain rules one should be aware of. First of all, mustn’t be forgotten that while we treat surface covered with acne, parallel access to the internal problem must be ensured. We must be aware that the cause of acne appearance comes from internal conditions which also must have proper care. There are some herbal cures which balance hormonal levels that are main causers of acne appearance. Those are herbs as red clover, chaste berry, wild yam and many others.
Second inner trigger of acne are various kinds of inflammation processes which also need attention and proper care. Some of the herbs which help in fighting against bacteria in order to reduce inflammation are dandelion root and tea tree. Of course, some of the most usual inner causers of acne are also mental stress and lack of sleep. No matter how well do u treat your skin surface covered with pimples, it will not show good results if those two causers are present. So, other steps that should be provided are optimizing sleep combined with stress control. Once all these inner causers are taken care of, external alternative treatment should be provided.
External acne treatment consists of great variety of herbal creams, gels, natural soaps, tinctures and lotions. Some of them that are very popular are tea tree and lavender oil. They are good both in calming the irritated area and reducing the pain.
However, the best solution, as far as the alternative therapy is concerned, is combination of both internal and external care of the acne problem. Only that way long lasting treatment will be guaranteed.
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