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Magnesium is an important mineral that is highly beneficial for a number of body functions and processes such as DNA production, energy production and formation of the protein. It is also significant for taking care of healthy teeth and bones, and helping muscles relax. Since it is stored in all body tissues, it helps many body functions and has a variety of benefits for our body. Lack of this mineral could impact a lot of organs and could eventually cause disturbance to the heartbeat.

In nature, you can find this mineral in sunflower, pumpkin seed, all bran and mixed nuts, and cocoa powder. Magnesium is also an ingredient of soy beans, brown rice, popcorn and shredded wheat.

Protein found in nourishment such as red meat, fish and poultry aids the absorption of magnesium. Balanced consumption of minerals such as zinc, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins like vitamin C, D, B1 and B6 can also help the mineral to be absorbed by our bodies.

Benefits of Magnesium

Magnesium helps your body manage the metabolism by widening your blood vessels and lowering the blood pressure. It also works towards regulating the heart rate. Since it dilates the blood vessels, it can as well be used to treat Raynaud’s disease. This mineral is beneficial for your coronary health, since it helps prevent the blood clots and lower the risk of stroke and heart attack. By relaxing the bronchial tubes, magnesium can be useful for the treatment of asthma.

Studies showed that magnesium deficiency can cause some types of migraine. Hence, magnesium can be used for reducing the pain caused by the migraine. It can also help our body absorb the calcium, and therefore, help preventing diseases and problems connected with teeth and bones (for example, osteoporosis).

Magnesium limits the harm caused by the free radicals, and because of that, it can successfully fight the signs of getting old. Because it is vital in releasing insulin in the blood and in transporting the body's glucose, magnesium can also benefit patients suffering from diabetes.

This mineral also enables an appropriate muscle function since it preserves muscles relaxed and relieves stiff muscles.

Daily Doses and Side-effects

Recommended daily dose of magnesium is 300 mg. This is considered as a harmless upper limit. You should take a notice that this mineral is poisonous to people suffering from atrioventricular blocks and renal problems. Extreme consumption might lead to weakness, depression, low blood pressure, loss of reflexes, paralysis and flushing of skin.

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