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In this article, we will try to dealwith the problem of dog allergies and how to cure them. Allergies appear because of overactiveimmune responses after contact with all kinds of allergens from oursurrounding. It can be pollen, dust, mites, bacteria and fleas. They appearbecause dog’s immune system is trying to fight against them. Even though the greatestnumber of allergies appear because of breathing in allergens, a part of themappears due to bacterial infections, food and flea allergy. Very often, dogowners treat their pets with some effective natural remedies, such as regularbaths, rosemary extract, oatmeal water extract, apple cider vinegar, garlic andother.

First signs of dog allergies canbe detected on their skin. Other symptoms are running nose, red eyes, itchyeyes, coughing and sneezing. Dogs that are at the age of 3 to 5 years, have ahigher risk of getting an allergy. A vet can determine that a dog is having anallergy according to the dog`s symptoms. A vet usually prescribes antibiotics,antihistamines, steroids and, in dealing with skin allergy, topicalointments and medicated shampoos will be prescribed.

People treat their pets with homeremedies. For instance, food allergy can be treated by changing the diet andavoiding the artificial dog food. If a dog has some kind of contact allergy(pollens), you should try to keep your dog out of the source of that. Itchingand scratching are very recognizable signs of a flea allergy. In that case,shampoos mixed with lukewarm water are the best solution. Dog should bemassaged with it and ribbed thoroughly in order to remove the fleas. If a dogis sitting in a large tub filled with water, fleas will drown and the problemcan be solved. Other homemade remedy requires using of rosemary extract tomassage the dog after bathing. It is the same with oatmeal. Apple cider vinegaris used for the same purpose. If you rub the dog with the mixture of water andapple cider vinegar, fleas will repel. So, it is important to maintain dog'shygiene and mown the lawn, clean the dogs bedding. You should also try withgarlic. If you put one or two cloves in a dog’s food fleas will run. They don’tlike the smell of garlic. If your dog is having a problem with additives infood, try to replace them. Immunity of dogs can be improved if you add flaxseedand salmon oil.

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