Justlike with the humans, allergies are common in dogs as well, and just the same, theyare caused by different allergens. The leading one is Can f1, which is locatedin dog’s saliva. Also, as completely opposite to cats, this allergen is notfound in dogs’ dander. But, what keeps them connected is the fact that anotherallergen, primarily found in dog’s blood – albumin, has the ability to come intouch and react with albumin found in other animals, including cats’.
Whatlies behind the frequency rate of dogs’ allergies is that allergens can befound everywhere around them. Cats’ allergies are even more common. The mainreason is that cats detest water and to be washed, unlike dogs. Another reasonis that cats’ dander provides more fertile grounds for allergen development.This is why frequent washing of your pets, dogs especially, is one of theanticipated techniques for allergen release reduction. Important factor is awell-established relationship between the dog and the owner, and care, whichcan act as a very good defense mechanism against infections and allergies ofyour children. For this endotoxin is responsible – dog protein and domesticfarm animals, which has the potential to give the immunity a much neededstrength to fight off infections and allergies. However, this substance canhave negative effects as well, i.e. it can make allergies and asthma worse,particularly in those people who had previously developed a certain allergy orasthma.
Thosewho got infected with dog allergy can find the best cure in the followingtherapy: staying away from dogs as much as possible. With some other symptoms,the best way to ameliorate and cure them is by means of those medications usedto treat allergies. Even though they bring more health problems, many peopleare not willing to renounce their pets, and for such people the best thingsthey can do are: dog sterilization followed by frequent baths (minimum once aweek); keeping the dog clear on a daily basis by the use of wet tissues, notallowing your dog to enter your bedroom; and, if possible, keep him/her in theyard or in those rooms which don’t have carpets, regular vacuuming and alike. Incase none of this gives results, you should perhaps consider parting with oneof your favorite companions, especially if you have problems with severeasthma. One thing is also important to know. Some people are allergic only toparticular breeds of dogs. Though a case of non-allergic dog is yet to berecorded, some of them are known to cause fewer allergies than other.
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