Information on Pygeum
Pygeum originates from the forest regions of Africa, and itis an evergreen type of tree, and its botanical name is pygeum africanum. Itcan grow up to 45 meters in heights and it is characterized by small, whiteflowers and thick, oblong leaves. The tree bears a red berry which looks a lotlike cherry. The bark of the tree which can be grey, brown or red (depending onthe variety) is the part which is used for various medicinal purposes. Pygeumis a very hard wood and it is highly praised in Africa, especially when itcomes to the production of wagons. African natives have used powdered pygeumbark for the treatment of various different types of urinary medical problemsfor many centuries. Pygeum is verypopular because it is very efficient in treating the symptoms of benignprostatic hypertrophy and improving the sexual function of a person. Nowadays, pygeum extract is one of the bestknown methods of treatment for all those who suffer from an enlarged prostate,but only in selected countries. Majority of the Western civilizations still relieson surgery when it comes to such medical issues.
The condition known as benign prostatic hypertrophy iscommonly treated by using a vast array of medications such as alpha blockers,tricyclic antidepressants, beta-agonists, prostaglandin inhibitors, calciumantagonists, muscle relaxants and anticholinergics. Pygeum is also known forits very potent anti inflammatory properties and it may come in very handy whenit comes to increasing prostatic secretions and decreasing the amount ofcertain harmful hormones, which all leads to reduction of the hypertrophy.Pygeum may also be of great help in increasing the cell modifications andbladder elasticity. However, certain scientific studies have shown that sawpalmetto provides even better results when it comes to reducing the symptoms ofprostatic hypertrophy. Still, pygeum hasmuch greater effects on the prostate secretion, and it also stimulates thesexual function.
Pygeum may be purchased as a standardized preparation andthe daily doses should be somewhere between 25 and 200 milligrams, depending onthe manufacturer.
Side Effects and Precautions
Pygeum may sometimes be affiliated with certain types ofside effects which usually include nausea, diarrhea and constipation. Those whosuffer from prostate cancer, liver disease, alcohol dependence or diabetesshould consult the doctor before using pygeum. Pregnant and breastfeeding womenshould also steer clear of pygeum. Pygeummay also sometimes interact with certain types of medicaments and drugs.
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