Information on Senna Tea
Senna tea is an herbal tea which involves the use of podsand leaves from the Senna plant. It is very popular because of its potentlaxative properties but it can also be associated with certain side effects. Itis also sometimes marketed as a product which is very efficient in aiding theprocess of weight loss and cleansing the colon among other things. Senna teahas been used as a laxative for numerous centuries and it is nowadays alsocommonly used as a constipation relief.
Senna is actually a genus of more than260 species of flowering plants and they all come from the family calledfabaceae. The most important of all those species is botanically referred to assenna alexandrina. It originates from Egypt and it is actually a shrub. Theseed pods and the leaves are the parts which are used for numerous medicinalpurposes.
They need to be dried before use. Senna alexandrina can also be usedfor numerous ornamental purposes as well. Senna tea involves the use of driedseed pods and leaves and it is characterized by a rather bitter taste. It hascertain active ingredients which are very efficient in stimulating the colonand causing bowel movements.
One can purchase Senna tea in most well equippedhealth food stores but it can also be prepared at home. 8 ounces of boilingwater and a 1 quarter teaspoon of Senna leaves are all that it takes. Theleaves need to be steeped in the boiled water for a couple of minutes and the teamust be ingested while it is still warm. Senna can also be purchased in variousother forms such as capsules, dried root, liquid extract and tablets.
Senna Tea Benefits and Side Effects
Senna tea is mainly used because of its potent laxativequalities and its active ingredient can also be found in numerous types ofcommercial laxatives. Those who suffer from hemorrhoids and constipation mayfind it very helpful. Senna tea should not be used for more than just one weekin a continuous manner because it may lead to certain unwanted side effects.
The list of side effects that may be triggered by the Senna tea includesbloating, drug interactions, chronic diarrhea, colon discoloration, nausea,kidney damage, stomach cramps, liver damage, rectal irritation, laxative dependencyand urine discoloration. Children and pregnant or breastfeeding women shouldsteer clear of Senna tea.
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