Yeast infection is a type of fungal infection that particularly affects moist and warm environments. It can affect the skin but it also affects mouth and genital area. When it comes to genital yeast infections, women are more prone to them, because the anatomy of their genitals.
Causes of yeast infections
Candida albicans is a type of fungus that most commonly causes yeast infections. A small amount of this fungus is almost always present in the mucous membranes in mouth and vagina, and such presence does not cause any symptoms or problems, because the immune system and beneficial bacteria keep it at bay. However, due to come circumstances, such as the use of antibiotics, a drop in the immune system or a chronic disease, the fungus can multiply and cause an infection called candidiasis.
Symptoms of yeast infections
Main symptoms of vaginal candidiasis include itching, discomfort and white or yellowish discharge from the vagina. As for men, their symptoms are often less pronounced and generally limited to itching and possibly some redness and swelling of the penis.
Treatment for yeast infections
Conventional treatment for yeast infections consists of anti-fungal medication. Medication can be oral, in form of capsules or tablets, or topical, in form of ointments, lotions, creams, washes and vaginal tablets.
Some of the widely used oral medications include fluconazole, amphotericin B or voriconazole, while topical ones include ketoconazole, terazol and topical fluconazole.
People who suffer from yeast infections are advised to cut down on sugar consumption since fungi feed on sugar and need it to survive.
Aside from conventional treatment, there are several natural approaches to yeast infections, and acidophilus is among the most effective ones.
Acidophilus cure for yeast infections
Among all natural cures for yeast infections, acidophilus or lactobacillus acidophilus is probably the most efficient. This is a highly beneficial bacterium that lives normally in the human body, not only without causing any problems, but actually fighting harmful bacteria, fungus and other microorganisms. When the number of acidophilus bacteria is cut down, for example because of the use of antibiotics, there is a risk that harmful bacteria and fungus will overgrow and cause an infection.
Sources of acidophilus
Logically, one of the ways to cure a yeast infection is to increase the population of acidophilus in the body. This can be done by eating foods rich in this bacterium, such as natural, sugar-free yogurt, or by taking probiotic supplements. These supplements contain millions of acidophilus bacteria that quickly restore the balance and keep fungus at check.
Other than yogurt, foods rich in probiotics include kefir, sauerkraut and pickles. Combining increased intake of these foods with probiotic supplements is a sure way to get rid of a yeast infection effectively and safely in only a few days.
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