Drives and facts
When it comes to sex drive in adult individuals, it is important to emphasize that it varies to a great extent from one individual to another. Another important fact to point out to is that the variation in question is, to a huge extent, most dependent on a number of different factors, which also include such as the time-shortage, or the absence of just the right opportunity. Even though quite a lot of people today regard it as something critical and even embarrassing, it is quite usual for the members of both sexes to go through a phase in which their sex drive or libido is not at its peak, leading to fewer sexual intercourse, and infrequent sex.
Despite the findings that the aforementioned sex drive loss is more common in the members of the female population, in recent times, more and more members of the opposing sex have began experiencing the same sex related troubles, coming down with different varieties of dysfunctions, sexual in nature. Such factors that tend to contribute to the loss in question include highly unhealthy lifestyle habits, excessive fatigue due to a hard work days, excessive stress, anxiety, financial pressure, as well as a number of ailments physical in nature. Also, certain unclarified and unsolved issues with a partner can, at times, culminate and reach a level on which the low sex drive turns into a norm.
One quite interesting discovery is that, despite being troubled by the low sex drive, this in almost no way distracts and hinders the members of the male population in having frequent and normal erections. And this is even valid at the times they are not all that worked up about the intercourse itself.
Sex drive factors
When it comes to those most prominent culprits to be blamed for the loss of one's sex drive, their number is quite substantial. However, perhaps the most prominent ones are those factors that are either physical or psychological in nature. Additionally, improper lifestyle habits as indulging in alcohol on a regular basis, as well as binge drinking, smoking, drug abuse and medication abuse (e.g. antidepressants, tranquilizers etc.) are also to be blamed for the absence of sex drive and sexual desire altogether.
Also, a number of medical conditions such as anemia, fatigue, hypothyroidism, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, kidney disease are all regarded as libido-killers. To be added to the list is also postpartum depression, diabetes, heart disease, thrush, urinary tract infections etc.
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