Quite famous and favored
This specific fruit was, perhaps much more than any other, mentioned in mythology and history due to its ever so much appealing both the overall outlook and the savory taste its seeds are endowed with. And just as being a significant part of both the mythology and the history of our world, as a direct consequence of its properties it has become a vital part of the traditional medicine as well. In such parts of the world as the Middle East, as well as in the countries such as Iran and India pomegranate's bark, leaves, skin and even its rind and edible parts of the fruit itself, have been employed for quite a long period of time as the best possible and most effective remedy for any existing ailment, starting from conjunctivitis and all the way to hemorrhoids.
Following this trend, even the more conventional medical community has become well aware of the healing properties this magical fruit holds. For this purpose exactly, a great number of research studies has been successfully performed, until the present day, proving that this fruit has a number of health related benefits. And thus its health related qualities are slowly being put to use more and more, day in and day out.
Benefits revealed
The greatest portion of the research studies that have been and are being performed at the moment are centered around those antioxidant properties of this fruit. As a matter of fact, and what have results shown, is that this fruit is the sole fruit that has the three most important antioxidant, those being tannins, anthocyanins and ellagic acid. This is extremely important for it is a well known fact that antioxidants perform some of the most essential functions inside our bodies such as providing that needed functional boost to our immune system, safeguarding the body against any unwanted intruders and the harmful effects of pollution, and severe illnesses as cancer, diabetes and alike.
In terms of antioxidant related properties, it must be emphasized that the juice made from pomegranate contains in it much greater amounts of antioxidants than both the green tea, and the red wine. Having its benefits for the members of the female population in mind, some of the most prominent ones include abundance of vitamins, especially A, C, E, as well as iron. Its abundance in antioxidants is also brought into connection with slowing down the aging process in general. The presence of ellagitannins in great quantities has been discovered to inhibit the growth of estrogen-responsive breast cancer.
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