Information on Wintergreen Essential Oil
Wintergreen essential oil is very popular because itprovides the human body with numerous different sorts of health benefits. Thosewho suffer from pain in bones and joints, gout , arthritis and rheumatismcommonly used in extensively. It can be purchased in most stores anywhere aroundthe world, but the wintergreen tree still originates from the North America.Its botanical name is gaultheria procumbens. The oil gets obtained by theprocess of steam distillation which involves the use of wintergreen leaves. Thetwo main components of the wintergreen essential oil are gaultherilene andmenthyl salicylate and they are responsible for most beneficial properties ofthe oil.
Health Benefits of Wintergreen Essential Oil
Wintergreen essential oil can be rubbed on all painful areasof the body because it has very potent analgesic properties. It warms the area,increases the circulation of blood and provides a slight anesthetic effect.Since it also has potent anodyne properties, it is quite efficient in relievingtension and stress which are often associated with painful sensations. Wintergreenessential oil is known for its powerful anti arthritic and anti rheumaticproperties. It can be applied externally as it is very efficient in stimulatingthe local blood circulation. It also prevents the accumulation of any toxic orharmful substances at the affected area. When it reaches the blood through theabsorption in turns into a very powerful diuretic and enhances the removal oftoxins from the body. Wintergreen essential oil has anti spasmodic propertiesas it fights of various different types of spasms, convulsions, congestions,cramps and other affiliated medical complications. It also has very powerfulantiseptic properties as it fights of infections and kills off various microbessuch as bacteria, fungi and viruses. It should not be used internally and itshould not be applied on open wounds. It also has very potent aromatic andastringent properties which may come in very handy when it comes to prevention andtreatment of a vast array of medical conditions and problems.
Wintergreen essential oil has very potent carminativeproperties so it makes the passing out of gases much easier. It is known forits diuretic and emenagogue properties as well. It speeds up the removal oftoxins from the body and it helps with the numeral different types of menstrualproblems. Wintergreen essential oil is also a very powerful stimulant. One mustnever use it internally as it is highly poisonous.
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