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Information on Calcium chloride

Calcium chloride may occur in the form of rare evaporate mineralssuch as chlorocalcite, antarcticite and sinjarite. It can be produced directlyfrom limestone or as a by-product of the so called Solvay process.


Calcium chloride is often used in the drying tubes or fordrying the kelp in the production of sodium carbonate, due to its very potentdesiccant properties. It may also be used for the removal of dissolved waterand as a component of air moisture absorbers. It has also been approved by theFDA as an aid in packaging whose purpose is to ensure dryness. It may also beapplied on the surface of public roadways in order to hold the dust down.Calcium chloride may also be used for deicing and the prevention of theformation of ice. It is another purpose which comes very handy when used on publicroads. For this use it comes in small white balls which are referred to asprills. Calcium chloride may be efficient in reducing the erosion of theconcrete in swimming pools. The increased structure of calcium in the waterreduces the dissolution of certain calcium compounds which are very importantcomponents of the concrete structure. It also introduces bioavailable calcium forcertain animals which live in marine aquariums.

Calcium chloride is also an important food additive and itis commonly used as a firming and sequestrant agent in numerous different sortsof food items. It is approved by the FDA and the daily intake for adultindividuals should not be more than 345 milligrams. As a firming agent it iscommonly featured in tofu, caviar substitutes, fruit juices and cannedvegetables. It is also commonly used as an electrolyte in sports drinks and as aflavor enhancer in pickles. It is also commonly used in certain stages of thebeer brewing process. Calcium chloride is often used during the production ofcertain dairy products as well.

Calcium chloride may be administered intravenously in thetreatment of hypocalcaemia. It may also come in very handy in the preventionand treatment of various other medical conditions such as insect bites, weakmyocardial contractions, sensitivity reactions, cardiac resuscitation,magnesium intoxication, urticaria and colic. Calcium chloride is also used inthe preparation of concrete mixes. It may also be used as an additive in fireextinguishers and plastics. Calcium chloride may irritate the skin and causeburns if ingested.

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