A pineapple is a tropical plant that belongs to the family of Bromeliaceae. The pineapple has a sweet taste and is a bit sour when eaten fresh. It can be also canned or consumed as a juice. As any fresh fruit it is recommended to eat pineapple during the day preferably without other food since it stimulates digestion of all valuable substances and uses them to a great extent.
Always take fresh and ripe pineapples and keep them at room temperature. Pineapple has the best nutritional values if eaten fresh so it is not advisable to keep it in the fridge for too long. When frozen pineapple does not have such quantities of nutrients as when fresh.Benefits
Pineapples contain bromelain, a valuable enzyme, which aids the digestion of the proteins and has a significant role in keeping good health. This nutrient is important in curing and preventing inflammation processes. As an excellent anti-inflammatory substance it relieves the discomforts felt during the sinusitis, the infection of sinuses, sore throat. Bromelain is said to be effective in the treatment of arthritis and gout due to the ability to reduce infections and swelling. Pineapple is rich in vitamin C, valuable in fighting colds and fever since it stimulates the immune system. Vitamin C is a potent anti-oxidant which disables the free radicals to develop inside the body and prevents them from damaging the body cells.
It supplies the cells with the needed oxygen and stimulates metabolic processes. Thus, Vitamin C as an integral part of a pineapple greatly reduces the possibilities to have certain heart conditions, atherosclerosis, osteoarthritis and many others. Free-radicals are known to have a negative effect in the sense that they help cancer cells grow so anti-oxidant vitamin C may decrease the chance of developing cancer. Another beneficial compound can be traced in the pineapple stems. These elements are also essential for fighting cancer of the ovaries, breast, colon and skin.
A pineapple also has a considerable amount of manganese and vitamin B1, which are known to be important for the energy needed for the body to perform its functions. Manganese and thiamine i.e. B1 are necessary for body enzymes are included in the energy processes. Pineapple nutritional elements have good results in preventing the deterioration of vision. Over the years, the eyesight gradually worsens and many eye conditions are developed by the age of 50 or 60. As well as with other fruit, regularly taking three helpings of pineapple a day might help prevent more severe eye problems in old age.
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