General Info
Orange is citrus genus fruit, with 2 to 3 inches in diameter and orange color skin with textures. Orange pulp is full of juice and covered by skin. It is one of the favorite fruits because of it sweet taste and accessibility in every season. There are several sorts of oranges with various flavors. Sweet oranges, specific for their aroma, are valencia, jaffa, and navel. Also, oranges can be sour and bitter. Other varieties include clementine, tangerine, mandarin, minneola and several others.
Nutritional Value
Oranges are excellent source of vitamin C (one orange satisfies daily requirement for vitamin C intake) and flavonoids. It is full of fibers. High doses can be especially found in albedo which is white matter under the skin. Albedo is source of anti-cancer agents as well, thereby it shouldn’t be disposed.
Apart from that, oranges contain vitamins A and B, beta-carotene, amino acids, folic acid, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, calcium, iodine, pectin, chlorine, iron, manganese and potassium.
Orange juice is vital part of healthy diet.
Orange Benefits to Health
As oranges contain more than 170 phytonutritients and 60 bioflavonoids and large quantity of vitamin C they are significantly beneficial to general health. They have anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer and blood coagulation inhibiting qualities.
Health benefits of oranges help fighting various disorders including:
Prevention of tumors and cancer. Liminoid compound found in oranges is helpful in battling against mouth, skin, lung, breast and colon cancer. Since vitamin C is successful antioxidant it shields the cells from free radicals. Arteriosclerosis. Oranges can delay the condition due to its high content of vitamin C. Immune system. High level of vitamin C in oranges boosts the immune system and encourages leukocytes to fight against viruses and infections. Poor fertility potential of the sperm. One orange per day is enough to maintain healthy sperm. Anti-oxidants and vitamin C limit genetic damage to sperm. Cholesterol. Orange is good choice for diabetes prevention since alkaloid synephrine decreases production of cholesterol. Constipation. Difficulties with stool elimination are reduced when consuming oranges and orange juice since it stimulates digestion. Hypertension. Flavonoid hespedrin is proven to decrease high blood pressure. Heart problems. They are reduced by regular intake of high doses of flavonoids and vitamin C found in orange. Preventing kidney stones formation. Orange juice is good in preventing this condition. Stomach ulcers. Vitamin C decreases occurrence of peptic ulcers. Skin damages. Anti-oxidants found in orange delay skin damages that come with aging. Infections. Polyphenols in orange are excellent fighters against viral infections.
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