Health Benefits of Nuts in General
Nuts include the walnuts, chestnuts, almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, macadamia nuts, Brazil nut, cashew and Japanese nuts. Although nuts contain high calorific value due to large amounts of saturated and unsaturated fats, they can be used in the prevention of various diseases. They are rich in vitamins, minerals and antioxidants and especially recommended for people who are engaged in heavy physical work. Daily routine of taking a handful of nuts provides good health and maintaining good physical shape.Hazelnut
They are rich in vitamin C, calcium and iron. Hazelnuts contain copper, manganese and vitamin E, which facilitate heartburn. A mixture of B vitamins contained in hazelnuts contributes to the neural stability and, together with lipids and fatty acids, improves brain function. Hazelnut also soothes chronic problems because it contains hormone precursors of happiness - serotonin, which reduces sensitivity to pain.Pistachio
Pistachio contains vitamin C and it is an excellent antioxidant. It contains large amounts of vitamin A, calcium, iron, vitamin B6, thiamine, copper and manganese. Pistachio nuts are good for hair, skin, vision, blood vessels, kidneys and strengthening the immunity. They contain plenty of fiber, creating a feeling of satiety, speeding up digestion and preventing bowel cancer. They are also good for maintaining the level of cholesterol because 47 pistachio nuts a day are enough for lowering "bad" LDL cholesterol by 10%.Walnut
Walnuts have high calorific value, because over 60% of their content is consisted of unsaturated fatty acids: linoleic, oleic and alpha linolenic acid. They are recommended to be an essential ingredient of daily diet, especially for pregnant women. They are rich in vitamin C and E, calcium, magnesium and iron. Handful of walnuts a day reduces the risk of heart disease, and inflammatory processes which affect arteries thanks to omega-3 fatty acids. In addition, nuts are rich in ellagic acid, which has anticancer properties and very effectively neutralize the effect of free radicals, which destroy the cells of the heart, brain and skin.Coconut
Coconut contains half the calories compared to other nuts, but it includes unhealthy saturated fatty acids, and is not suitable for cooking. Coconut milk is rich in vitamin C and minerals, making it very suitable for athletes.Cashew
100 g of cashew contains as many as six milligrams of iron, which is especially important for vegetarians and pregnant women. This nut is also rich in zinc which increases the resistance of the organism to the dangerous disease agents. It particularly strengthens the lymphatic system. It also contains magnesium, which relaxes the nerves and muscles.Brazil nut
Brazil nut is very caloric, because one handful of it contains about 1000 calories. Brazil nut contains a large amount of proteins that are essential for building muscle and nerve cells. Brazil nut is also rich in selenium, which protects against free radicals, binds toxic substances and improves the quality of sperm.Almond
Almond is rich in vitamin E, which protects against infections and prevents cell damaging. It is richer in calcium than other nuts. Besides that, almond contains biotin - vitamin which has a beneficial effect on skin. Almond oil nourishes the skin, giving to it a smoothness and shine.Chestnut
Chestnut is rich in vitamin C, K and B1, calcium, iron and potassium. It also contains small amounts of sulfur, copper and manganese. Chestnut is richer in starch than the rest of nuts so it is hardly digestible. Chestnut renews life energy so it is good for fatigue, anemia, convalescents and diseases such as varicose veins and hemorrhoids, because it has a positive effect on circulation.
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