When it comes to the use of magnetic bracelets and their beneficial effect on our body, several studies have been conducted in order to determine if the they have any beneficial effects at all, and the answer is positive. Unfortunately these results have not been accepted by medicine, but, regardless of this fact, there are many people who use these bracelets and who have stated that they felt certain benefits of it. This text will discuss on this issue. These bracelets, based on magnetic fields have been used in alternative medicine and therapy. The use of magnetic fields comes from the belief that it can have several beneficial effects on human body and several magnets with iron, nickel and cobalt are used during this therapy. The instruments that can be used by this therapy are very various in shapes and depend on the need.
Magnetic bracelet treatment
Magnetic bracelets have been used in China, India, Egypt and many other countries. The treatment with them is found to be very interesting by some people, and the process can be described in two ways. One theory states that the use of magnetic bracelets produces the increase of blood flow, because the iron from the blood is affected by magnetism. Other theory states that negative and positive electrical charge need to be balanced in our system, because if the balance is impaired, problems occur. These problems include metabolic disorders, pain, organ malfunction and many others. When magnetic therapy is used, according to the theory the balance can be restored and when this is created the problems will go away.
Many specialists claim that magnetic therapy can help with the pain experienced, while problems such as inflammation and body cell degeneration can be eliminated with the use of negative field. Several other conditions such as arthritis, headaches, migraine and others, are thought to be eliminated by magnetic therapy. The use of magnetic therapy has proved to be extremely successful in treating headaches and insomnia. If the magnetic field is placed on the head, it can bring calmness. Problems, such as incontinence and bone fracture which do not need to heal, are the ones in which magnetic bracelets can help. However everything stated in this text should be taken with extreme reserve, since none of the effects and benefits has been scientifically proved yet it has been stated by the people who have used magnetic therapy. If you decide to use this way of treatment we strongly advise you first discuss it with your doctor.
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