The change in your personality could start with the changes you make in your body – tells a guy. Losing all extra weight he changed his life totally.
Sevenyears ago, he was finishing high school, 30 pounds overweight, shy and lackingconfidence.
Learnto enjoy food, he says. Since he was a little boy, he was always more overweight than anyone around him. As a kid he never ate anything even remotely healthy: vegetables, fruits, diet sodas. After deciding to lose extra weight, he found some new food he liked – vegetable stir-fries, crispbread with cottage cheese, raw carrots… He is thinking about nutritional value of the food, eating more fruit and vegetables, more whole grain, less sugar and less fat.
Beingconfident in a group of people was something he never experienced before he lost the weight. Lacking self-confidence, he always thought everyone pay attention only to his size and never tried to lead a group. Losing weight made him less aware of how he actually looks. He set up his own creative writing group at college, and now he enjoys speaking in public, talking to clients about presentations or trainings.
All his teenager years he wore pajamas and oversized clothes, hiding from the world, but those clothes only made him shapeless and even bigger-looking. The first pair of jeans he bought after he lost some weight, and after that he started buying clothes that flatter his body, making him confident.
Exercisewas an ugly word for him. Sports at a high school weren’t his thing or sports after school, either. He realized that some of it he really enjoys, like swimming, cycling and walking, and started to exercise regularly.
Afterlosing 20 pounds he realized that there are no boundaries of what he could change in his life, and that he could follow through anything he wants. He didn’t want to be the guy who never finishes anything, so he took a self-development class at college, to find out what he wants of his life.
Writingdown everything he ate enables him to track the calories and helped him to lose the weight. And at college, he realized that sort of planning and writing down the tasks helped him even more, being less stressed and better organized than his colleagues. Another form of writing he founds helpful and also – keeping a diary. It helped him through the rough times he had, keeping the chocolateaway.
Losinghis weight gave him the confidence he could help someone else. Now he is following weight-loss blogs and writing in forums and sharing the advices that worked for him.
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