Jogging has many mental and health benefits, especially in the cardiovascular purposes. This is supported by the fact that the jogging is six most popular sport in America.
The physical benefits of jogging include:
Jogging improves fitness and endurance - strengthening of endurance increases capacity for work and active life in general. Increased activeness in every sense means safe exit from the lethargy and bad feelings.
Weight Loss - jogging faster body metabolic operations resulting in increased burning of calories. On this way it is possible to lose weight and achieve better and firmer body figure.
Burn Abdominal Fat - It is known that abdominal fat hardly go away. It can be argued with certainty that jogging is one of the most effective exercises for burning fat from the abdomen and hips.
Improve Appetite - although overweight, these people usually suffer from loss of appetite. As mentioned, run speeds up metabolism, which requires more energy. Required energy is introduced through the food. So jogging increases the need for food which on a healthy way spreads to the organism.
Strengthen Muscles and Bone Density - it is quite certain that jogging strengthens the muscles and bones became more stable and more mobile, especially the back, hips and legs.
Fights Insomnia - jogging involves certain amount of physical fatigue, which provides a healthy and strong dream.
Fights aging - given that jogging strengthens bones and muscles that prevent their decline, which normally occurs with age. So, jogging slows aging.
Fight diseases - boosting the immune system, regularly jogging decreases risk of diseases such as cancer, heart attack, diabetes, hypertension, and osteoporosis.
Cardiovascular benefits – jogging increases lung capacity which provides more oxygen to all vital body organs. In addition, jogging speeds up heart rate, this strengthens the heart muscle, reducing the risk of heart diseases. Also, running lowers blood pressure.
In addition to physical health, jogging has many positive psychological impacts:
Jogging build confidence - it increases the strength of the body, giving joggers the courage to face the bigger and more serious trials of life. In addition, losing weight and tighten the muscles contribute to increasing confidence.
Jogging relieves stress - by raising the level of endorphin lifts mood. In addition, during the jogging people have time alone to think about problems and as they the longer run, they find extra power to deal with these problems. If a person is angry and furious, he/she can choose the sprint to get out the negative emotions.
Jogging trains mind - since the jogger encounters various obstacles during running and continually sets himself new goals to be achieved, this kind of thinking can be transferred to other situations in life.
Studies have shown that the best time to run in the morning when jogger achieves the best results in physical and mental health. In addition, people in the morning have more will and energy. Also, it has been proved that people who used the train morning jogging manage to perform all their obligations during the day.
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