Liposuction - General Info
Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure which includes removal of the excess of fat tissue from various sites on the human body. Many body areas can be treated with liposuction including the abdomen, thighs, buttock, neck, back, arms etc. There are several factors which limit the amount of fat which is removed. Excessive suction of the fat may result in unusual 'lumpiness' and it may also cause even more serious complications. Excessive removal of fat carries significant risk of complications. Liposuction is performed under general or local anesthesia. General health of the patients as well as certain habits such as smoking affects the outcome of the surgery and may also interfere in the occurrence of complications. Patients are advised to quit smoking for certain period of time prior the surgery.
Dangers of Liposuction
People are eager to have perfect figure and liposuction is most chosen quick solution. They are not concerned about possible dangers of the surgery. Apart from mild side effect which typically occurs even in other surgeries such as bruising, swelling, temporary numbness and discomfort of the operated area people must be familiar with more serious complications of this surgical procedure. The damages of liposuction are proportional to the amount of fat removed. If large areas of the body are treated, the risk of complications is higher. Sometimes even vital organs can be damaged.
Anesthesia is the only one danger of liposuction. Certain number of patients develop a negative reaction to general anesthesia. In some cases this reaction can even be life threatening. Application of local anesthesia is much safer and does not carry risk of serious complications and reactions.
Increased coagulation is common after surgeries. Blood clots usually form in the legs and if they detach they may cause pulmonary embolism. Even though these complications may develop they occur rather rarely after liposuction.
People who undergo liposuction can additionally suffer from shift in fluid levels. Namely, during the procedure fluids are injected and suctioned out which consequently affects the heart or the kidneys. In extreme cases imbalance of fluids and electrolytes may even cause shock. Injection of too much fluid may be a cause of fluid accumulation in the lungs. People who are suffering from heart and kidney conditions are advised not to undergo liposuction because of the previously mentioned dangers.
Liposuction can affect the skin and lead to permanent unattractive effects on the skin. The skin of the treated area may become bumpy and wavy. People whose skin is not elastic enough may appear loose or sagging after the procedure. In some cases damage of the tissues beneath the skin may result in permanent dark spots. One more danger of liposuction related to skin is skin infection of the treated area. Severe skin infection in some cases must be treated with additional surgery which consequently leads to scarring.
And finally, a tube used during the procedure may penetrate too deep and cause perforation or other injuries of certain organs. If this happens patients undergo additional surgical repair. This sort of injuries can be very dangerous and sometimes even fatal.
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