Large Volume Liposuction - Overview
Large volume liposuction is a type of liposuction which includes removal of more than five liters of fat and other fluids. It is generally performed in patients who are 30 to 40 pounds overweight and who require large reduction in fat. This surgical procedure may include fat reduction from the stomach, buttocks, hips, thigh, saddlebags, calves, ankles, breasts, back, arms, or neck. In different patients different parts of the body are treated.
Large volume liposuction removes fat from at least five body areas. This is rather serious and major surgical procedure which carries certain risks and must be performed only by well-experienced surgeons. Furthermore, not all the patients can undergo this surgical procedure. Some of them who suffer from additional medical conditions or are at increased risk for developing certain complications cannot be operated. Large volume liposuction is performed under general anesthesia and patients are hospitalized for at least one night after the surgery.
Even though large volume liposuction removes a lot of fat some patients need to undergo repeated surgery if they want to achieve perfect results.
Large Volume Liposuction Techniques
There are several techniques of large volume liposuction. They include tumescent, ultrasonic and laser liposuction. In tumescent liposuction patients are injected tumescent and Vasoconstrictive fluid into the fatty areas. This causes numbness of the operated area and prevents excessive blood loss. In ultrasonic liposuction ultrasound waves break the fat cells and ease their removal. This technique can cause skin burns, damage of skin nerves and seromas. Laser liposuction resembles ultrasonic liposuction but instead of ultrasound in laser liposuction surgeons use laser beams to help in breakage of fat cells before they are removed.
Side Effects and Risks of Large Volume Liposuction
There are certain side effects that are considered normal and they withdraw spontaneously after certain period of time and lead to no serious complications. They include swelling and bruising. Patients may also complain about slight discomfort and numbness in the operated area.
Apart from regular reactions to the surgery some patients may develop hematoma. Hematoma is accumulation of the blood under the skin. It may withdraw spontaneously or requires surgical removal. Infections are another possible complication. They are treated with antibiotics. Excessive scarring is not typical complication and does not occur very often. Allergic reactions may also occur and they are related to general anesthesia. And finally, healing time may extend and if not properly done liposuction can cause irregularities in the skin.
In rare cases patients may develop blood clots which if detached may cause life-threatening pulmonary embolism. One more serious complication includes excessive loss of fluids. If left untreated excessive loss of fluids leads to shock and lethal outcome.
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