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Information on Chickweed

Chickweed is a medicinal type of herb which commonly growsvirtually everywhere around the world. Its botanical name is stellaria media.It can be consumed in its fresh form and it can also be used for thepreparation of tea which is very rich in various nutrients. The chickweed teacan also be applied topically in order to heal numerous medical conditionswhich commonly affect the eyes and the skin. It can also be consumed on aregular basis by all those who want to lose excess weight. Chickweed comes fromthe family of plants known by the name of Caryophyllaceae. People consider itas a weed because domesticated and wild birds feed on it, and it commonly growsin all different locations. Sometimes it is referred to as starweed because ofits small flowers which look like stars.

Health Benefits of Chickweed

Chickweed has been used for numerous medicinal purposes fornumerous centuries. It provides the human body with many important nutrientsand it can also be used topically in order to relieve eye inflammations andvarious different sorts of skin conditions. It has also been used extensivelyby all those who want to lose excess weight.

Chickweed is jam packed with various different vitamins andessential minerals. A serving of 100grams of chickweed contains 253 milligrams of iron, 375 milligrams of vitaminC, 529 milligrams of magnesium, 1840 milligrams of potassium and 1200milligrams of calcium. It also contains between 15 and 24 percent of protein.It can be consumed in its fresh form, it can be consumed as a salad green, itcan be used for the preparation of a tincture or it can be consumed in the formof an herbal tea. One should not consume more than three cups of chickweed teaper day. Dosages of chickweed tincture usually vary depending on the purpose.

Chickweed can be used for the prevention and treatment of numerousdifferent sorts of medical conditions such as rashes, infections, minor wounds,inflammatory conditions, pimples and first-degree burns. Chickweed can also beused as a poultice in order to relieve pinkeye, eye infections and inflammatoryconditions which affect the eyes. Chickweed tea bags are the best option forthis purpose. Many people also use chickweed in order to enhance their effortsto lose excess weight.

One should use sterile preparations for the treatment of alldifferent sorts of eye problems.

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