Information on Watermelon
Watermelon is an excellent source of vitamin C, lycopen andbeta-caroten, it contains plenty of water and it does not contain any fats. Aserving of 100 grams of watermelon contains only 28 calories and the amount ofsugar contained in it is only 5 percent. Watermelon is an excellent addition toany low-calorie diet.It is a vine plant which originates from the southernregions of Africa and it is closely related to cucumbers and melons. It can beconsumed in its fresh form or it can be consumed in the form of juice. Itsseeds can be dried and consumed as a delicious snack. The leaves of thewatermelon have a grooved edge and it can also be characterized by small yellowflowers which can be male or hermaphrodite. The skin of the watermelon is thickand hard and it can be recognized by its characteristic green color. Dependingon the different cultivar, its flesh can be yellow or red. The watermelon plantis very resistant to droughts, especially when it enters the period in whichthe fruit gets formed.
Benefits of Watermelon
Watermelons are very efficient in relieving and treating thehigh blood pressure. They are of great help in strengthening the heart andimproving its overall health. Due to its very potent antioxidant properties itprovides the human body with numerous health benefits. Watermelon is known forits potent diuretic properties so it may come in very handy when it comes tostimulating the urine output and preventing the formation of kidney stones.Those who suffer from fever may also benefit greatly from the consumption ofwatermelon. Watermelon is among the best source of lycopen, which is one of thestrongest antioxidants known to man. This substance is very efficient in fightingthe free radicals and reducing the amount and severity of damage they cause tothe human body on the cellular level. The damage may be observed throughcertain symptoms such as disorderly eating patterns, weakened immune system,dry skin and certain other symptoms. Beta-carotene is another antioxidantsubstance which can be found in abundance in watermelons and it actually aidsall the aforementioned activities of the lycopen. Watermelon is very efficientin reducing the risk of several different types of cancer. Half a watermelonshould provide approximately 20 milligrams of lycopen. Watermelon may also comein very handy when it comes to increasing the sperm count.
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