Walnuts and almonds are both among the most popular types ofsnacks. They are also among the most nutritious types of nuts, even though alldifferent types of nuts provide the human body with various health benefits.Almonds grow on the almond tree and they originate from the Middle East.Walnuts grow on walnut trees and they are commonly grown in North America, Asiaand Europe.
Walnuts vs Almonds: Nutrition
An ounce of walnuts contains 185 calories, 18 grams of fat,4 grams of carbohydrates and 4 grams of proteins. The same amount of almondscontains 163 calories, 14 grams of fats, 6 grams of carbohydrates and 6 gramsof proteins. They are both excellent sources of vitamin B6, zinc, vitamin B1,iron, vitamin B3, phosphorus, vitamin B2, magnesium, vitamin E, copper and manganese.Walnuts also contain sodium, omega 3 essential fatty acids, cholesterol andunsaturated fats. Almond is a good source of selenium as well.
Walnuts vs Almonds: Health Benefits
Walnuts and almonds are characterized by similar nutritionalcontent so there is much resemblance between their health benefits. Walnuts arevery efficient when it comes maintaining the health of the bones, preventingthe formation of gallstones, enhancing the functioning of the cardiovascularsystem, maintaining healthy levels of sugar in the blood, decreasing the levelsof bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterolin the blood. Almonds may come in very handy when it comes to lowering the riskof gallstones, aiding the process of weight loss, helping all those who sufferfrom diabetes, reducing the levels of sugar in the blood, decreasing the levelsof bad cholesterol in the blood and preventing various different types ofcardiovascular diseases.
Walnuts vs Almonds: The Winner
Walnuts may be much more efficient when it comes to loweringthe levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, and increasing the levels of goodcholesterol in the blood, which are very important aspects of one’s health.Almonds are better sources of magnesium and vitamin E, while walnuts are theonly type of nuts which contains alpha-linolenic acid. Almonds are also abetter source of calcium, while walnuts provide more vitamin B6. One shouldtake notice that walnuts contain much more fat than almonds. When one considersall this extensive information, it is very hard to decide which type of nutwins this competition and which one is the healthier one..
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