Tuna are carnivorous types of fish and they come from the family called scombridae. They also belong to the genus known as thunnus. Tunas can swim very fast – more than 70 km per hour.
Tuna characteristics
Most other types of fish are characterized by white flesh, but tuna has flesh which ranges from pink to dark red color. This is why tuna is sometimes referred to as the rose of the sea. A certain species of tuna called bluefin tuna can live in cooler water because they can raise the temperature of blood above temperature of water which surrounds them due to the muscular activity. There are more than 50 different species of tuna everywhere around the world. The first can of tuna was sold in 1903, and from there on canned tuna became highly popular. Tuna is an oily type of fish and it is an excellent source of omega 3 essential fatty acids, vitamin D and proteins. Fresh tuna is characterized by a meaty, dense flavor. It is usually pickled, canned or smoked before consumption.
Tuna Health Benefits
Tuna is jam packed with omega 3 essential fatty acids, vitamin B6, vitamin B1, niacin, potassium, magnesium and selenium. This is why it may be of great help in preventing various different types of cardiovascular diseases, maintaining a normal pulse rate, reducing all different types of inflammatory conditions, preventing high blood pressure, lowering the risk of strokes, lowering the risk of heart disease, decreasing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood and increasing the levels of good cholesterol in the blood. It is also very efficient in preventing atherosclerosis, diabetes, obesity, asthma, skin cancer, leukemia, Alzheimer’s disease, depression and various other types of mild and severe medical conditions.
Tuna Calories
A 160 gram serving of subway tuna deli sandwiches contains approximately 350 calories, a serving of 3 ounces of fresh yellowfin tuna cooked in dry heat contains approximately 120 calories, a cup of 205 grams of tuna salad contains somewhere around 383 calories, a cup of 145 grams of light drained solids of tuna canned in oil contains somewhere around 290 calories, a serving of 3 ounces of fresh bluefin tuna cooked in dry heat contains approximately 155 calories and a serving of 172 grams of white tuna canned in water contains 220 calories. Tuna is an excellent source of iron, calcium, proteins, cholesterol, phosphorus, niacin, vitamin B6 and vitamin B12.
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