Vanadyl sulfate
Vanadyl sulfate is an inorganic compound of vanadium, which can be naturally found in our body. The natural sources of this mineral are oat, radish, vegetable oils and eggs. This mineral has insulin like properties and because of that it is often associated with the topic of diabetes.
Vanadyl sulfate raises the levels of glucose and amino acids forced into the muscles so that the glucose levels in the blood are balanced, while more energy is released. When the levels of sugar in the blood are high, the pancreas releases high levels of the hormone insulin to alert the organs to use the sugar instead of the stored fats as the source of energy.
Those people who have constant troubles with high glucose levels are suffering from diabetes and it is proven that vanadyl sulfate supplement may help them in keeping the condition under control. Vanadyl sulfate supplement is among the most frequently used bodybuilding supplements even though its effectiveness for building of the muscle mass is not yet fully investigated and there is a question whether it is good or bad for bodybuilders. After some studies, it may be concluded that vanadyl sulfate is necessary for those who are eating and not for those who are exercising. Therefore, vanadyl sulfate is not necessary as a workout supplement.
Vanadyl sulfate and diabetes
Vanadyl sulfate should not be used as a workout supplement since it is actually a diabetic supplement for insulin. The deficiency of insulin is the problem in the people facing the type 1 diabetes, while dose with type 2 diabetes are insulin resistant. As a consequence, the blood contains high levels of sugar. The healthy diabetic diet, everyday exercises and orally taken insulin are the ways in which they control this condition, which can have serious consequences. The experts try to find some alternative for the orally taken synthetic insulin since it has several side effects.
Several studies were done and they have shown that this mineral, when given to the diabetics only in small quantities, may cause many adverse effects, such as green tongue and gastrointestinal disorders. The bodybuilders who took larger amounts of vanadyl sulfate experienced hypoglycemia, and it is known how this condition is serious regarding the potential hazardous consequences like hypoglycemic coma and death.In the view of all these facts, vanadyl sulfate is not good for treating diabetes and a doctor should always be asked before opting for this diabetic supplement.
- Photo courtesy of SteadyHealth
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