Hemorrhoids are sometimes described as the varicose veins ofthe anal region of the human body. There are two forms of this medical problemand people may suffer from internal or external hemorrhoids, although many patientsusually deal with combination of both forms. Internal hemorrhoids are thoselocated inside the anus, and external hemorrhoids protrude outside that regionof the body. People suffering from hemorrhoids usually experience painfulsensations, itching and rectal bleeding and symptoms depend on the form of theproblem.
It is very important to find out the reason for your hemorrhoids.However, there are no identified causes, but only some risk factors which can increasethe risk of developing hemorrhoids. So, doctors and scientists concludedthat almost anything that can increase the pressure in the rectal region ofyour body may be the risk factor for their development, but can also worsen your already existinghemorrhoids.
Remedies to Stop Hemorrhoid Bleeding
To treat pain caused by hemorrhoids, you need to take care ofthe bleeding in the first place. Only then, you may treat them. External hemorrhoidsare known to cause bleeding and it is easily seen. However, in patients sufferingfrom internal hemorrhoids, they usually find some blood in the stool.
People having problems with bleeding hemorrhoids are advisedto use combination tonic, made of one teaspoon of cayenne, two teaspoons ofapple cider vinegar and a glass of water. Herbalists recommend taking thistonic with every meal and they claim it will definitively and quickly stoprectal bleeding. After that, you are free to deal with the root cause of theproblem with hemorrhoids.
How to Relieve Hemorrhoid Symptoms
Home and herbal remedies are known to relieve the symptomsof hemorrhoids. Some 20 minutes spent in the warm bath will definitively relievesymptoms you might have because of the hemorrhoids.
Plantain is believed to relieve the itching caused byhemorrhoids, and as equally effective remedies for hemorrhoid relief, peoplecan use strong mullein cool herbal compress. Paste made from heated lard and ateaspoon of calomel is also efficient if applied directly to affected area.
Rutin supplements are also well known to be used in thetreatment of hemorrhoids. They should be used two times per day, in the dose of100mg, and combined with an increased intake of vitamin E.
Butcher’s broom possesses anti-inflammatory properties andit is one of the frequently used remedies for hemorrhoids. It can be used asthe tea or applied as lotion directly to the hemorrhoids, and there are alsosome tablets made of this herbal remedy.
Horse chestnut or buckeye contains aescin, and thisingredient is proven to positively affect vein walls, making this herb andexcellent herbal remedy for hemorrhoids.
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