About Hemorrhoids in Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids develop as a result of a pathological process during which the blood vesselsin rectal area become inflamed and swollen. This problem is estimated toaffect almost half of adult worldwide population. Depending on the type of hemorrhoids,this medical condition may cause pain or bleeding as the main symptoms. Rectalbleeding and lack of pain are common for internal hemorrhoids, whereas external hemorrhoidsare very painful but don’t cause bleeding. In addition to these symptoms, hemorrhoidsmay also cause intense itching.
Problems with swollen and varicose veins are very common inpregnant women, thus so are hemorrhoids. The condition may develop in first monthsof the pregnancy, while some women reported hemorrhoid development during thechildbirth. Pregnancy is the risk factor for developing hemorrhoids, with itsincreased weight, increased level of progesterone, but also with irregularbowel movements or constipation. As inall other patients suffering from hemorrhoids, symptoms in pregnant womeninclude: itching, painful sensations in the anus and rectal bleeding. Some ofthe women, although diagnosed with hemorrhoids, don’t have any symptoms ordiscomfort.
Hemorrhoid Treatment in Pregnancy
Hemorrhoids often resolve on their own after the birth ofthe child, but women should take some precautionary measures to minimize healthrisks during the pregnancy. There are also some natural remedies, that can be used bypeople suffering from hemorrhoids, and which are also safe to be used bypregnant women.
Cold compresses are known to be helpful for many hemorrhoidsufferers. Use a clean cloth and put some ice cubes in it. Apply it, dabbingthe anal area and it should decrease the pain and swelling caused by hemorrhoids.In some cases it is useful to alternate cold and warm compresses, or to soakthe bottom in mildly warm water. You can also use some medical wipes or hemorrhoidpads (with hazelnut extract) designed for patients with this medical problem.
Regulating the bowel movement may also help you withhemorrhoids. Consume food rich in fibers and drink plenty of water every day toreduce the pain and bleeding from the rectum.
Also, if you have hemorrhoids, avoid sitting for extended periods of time. Mild physical activities and proper hygiene of the anal area are alsovery important for anyone suffering from hemorrhoids.
Pregnant women are not advised to use medications, but ifyour doctor prescribes drugs to treat hemorrhoids you should. Consult yourdoctor if all of the above mentioned remedies fail and your symptoms don’t improve.For pregnant women suffering from this problem, doctors usually recommendtopical or suppository anesthetic medications. Laser therapy is not advised.
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