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The abdomen is part of the body which extends from the pelvic area to the chests so it is the place where most of the vital organs are situated. There is hardly any one in the world who has never felt some kind of discomfort in this part of the body. Whenever some organ is impaired, damaged or hurt, it leads to the appearance of the specific symptoms which warn the affected person about the possible presence of some disorder or disturbance in the specific part of the body. Similarly, when the upper abdomen is bloated, it is certainly the symptom or the consequence of some underlying condition.

Bloating of the upper abdomen is interpreted in different ways in different people since they differently experience it. While some experience it as a pain or tightness, there are some who have a feeling that their stomachs are full even though they have not eaten recently or just ate small quantities of food. In most cases, the trapped gas inside the intestines, as well as inside of the stomach is the prime cause for the occurrence of the upper abdominal bloating. However, there are a number of other possible reasons behind this condition.

Causes of upper abdominal bloating

When one consumes foods he/she is allergic to, the bloating is likely to occur. For instance, many people are intolerant to lactose and whenever they eat milk based products, the upper abdominal bloating is almost inevitable. Aerophagia, which is the swallowing of air, is another major reason for the incidence of the bloating of the upper abdomen. Excessive swallowing of the air happens while one is eating, talking or smoking. Sometimes it happens that the air is not belched out from the esophagus but it enters the intestines and stomach and remains there until it is ejected from the body through the anus. Bloating of the upper abdomen when one finishes his/her meal, is due to the improper digestion or indigestion of the eaten foods. The foods that are hard for digestion include cabbage, sprouts, potatoes and pasta, for example. If one experiences upper abdominal bloating almost immediately after eating and if it is followed by vomiting, diarrhea and cramping, as well as by fever and poor appetite, it is the sign of the food poisoning. Upper abdominal bloating may also be the result of the existing irritable bowel syndrome in which diarrhea and constipation frequently alter.

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