Causes of Gas
A growing number of people suffer from problems in the form of increased amounts of gas in the intestines - flatulence. This disorder is not only socially disturbing and unpleasant, but can produce spasms and pain. These symptoms are usually a result of modern lifestyle and poor eating habits.Every person has a certain amount of gas in the intestines, which arises as a result of organic matter decomposition by bacteria in the intestines and swallowing air when eating. Digestion is affected by stomach acid, stomach and intestinal enzymes and bile. These substances are secreted under the influence of food or decomposed food products in very precise order. Bad composition of consumed food, too quickly and voraciously swallowing, and lavish food intake disrupt this order and the amount of secreted substances needed for digestion. So there is a mismatch between entered food and the possibility for its proper digestion. Such food is rooted and disintegrated under the influence of intestinal bacteria, and not digested, causing gases.
People who eat too much ballast substances (cellulose in the form of full-grain bread, bran, cabbage, kale, radish, etc.) also suffer from increased gas and flatulence.
Some medications (antibiotics, essential oils, laxatives, acetylcysteine, iron supplements) may be the cause of creating gas in the intestines.
Also, flatulence may be a sign of certain functional and organic diseases of the digestive system such as: the lack of the pancreas enzymes, gastritis, lactose intolerance, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, and irritable bowel syndrome.
It is believed that increased formation of gas and bloating is caused by fresh bread, cucumbers, cabbage, onion, garlic, grains, beans, green beans, peas, soybeans, lentils, fat dairy products (ice cream), carbonated drinks and artificial sweeteners. One part of the gas is absorbed in the intestine, while rest is ejected out in the form of flatus. Reduced gas absorption, increased gas creation or difficult bowel movements lead to the occurrence of flatulence.
Unpleasant gas odor is caused by compounds that contain sulfur. Gas has particularly unpleasant smell after eating beans, eggs, onion and garlic.
Natural Treatment
Reducing gas creation and alleviating its symptoms include: Cooked food should be spiced with cumin, anise, fennel and ginger Food should be thoroughly chewed Food shouldn't be eaten voraciously Drinking large amounts of fluids during meals should be avoided, food that produces gas and lying after meals should be avoided Applying warm bath or compressions on the abdomen in the case of expressed gas and bloating that cause problems Belly massage in the direction of clockwise movement starting from the lower right part of abdomen, up and under the ribs, on the left and then down to the lower left part of the abdomen for about 5 minutes Chamomile or mint tea with cumin and/or anise added will also be helpful. In folk medicine, garlic and ginger are known as anti-flatulents. Adding them to food, which is a big gas maker, calms the storm in the stomach. The effect of these spices is experimentally verified.All recipes for beans contain the fact that water in which beans are boiled should be spilled. This is precisely because of reducing gases. It is usually enough to change the water twice.
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