Many diseases that affect the body are usually manifested through a distended abdomen. There are many reasons why this condition occurs, but, in the majority of cases, it occurs when the some organs within the abdominal cavity are affected by certain disorders. Some studies discovered that every fourth person has at least slightly distended abdomen on regular basis.
Causes of distended abdomen
This condition may occur due to various medical conditions. In most cases, a pain or discomfort occurs in the belly that is distended. It is considered that one of the most frequent reasons for the occurrence of abdominal distension is a medical condition called aerophagia. It is a medical term for a disorder marked by the excessive swallowing of the air. Furthermore, it is also proven that irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and bowel obstruction can induce this abdominal problem. When certain stomach problems affect a proper digestion, then dyspepsia occurs. It is another name for the indigestion. When a person is lactose intolerance but consumes daily products, he/she may experience bloating. Moreover, there are certain medical conditions, such as liver cirrhosis and heart failure, which accumulate fluid in the abdomen and as a consequence, the belly is swollen and distended.
In women, bloating usually appears during the menstrual period and is caused due to hormonal imbalance or hormonal changes in the body. Abdominal distension may be also caused by stomach acidity, pregnancy, Celiac disease, as well as malnutrition. Diverticulitis, kidney stones, weight gain and ovarian cancer can also lead to the abdominal distension, but this occurs rarely.
Symptoms that accompany distended abdomen
Since the abdominal distension occurs due to various reasons, therefore, the symptoms that appear together with the abdominal distension are different and various. When abdominal distension is accompanied by delayed or missed menstrual period in a woman, it may mean that the woman is pregnant, or that there is a serious hormonal imbalance. If bloating appears together with constipation or diarrhea, it is usually an indicator that the intestines are affected by a parasitic infection. In the majority of cases, when belly distention occurs, it is followed by excessive belching and flatulence. Irritability and mood swings, as well as vomiting and nausea, may be some of the symptoms that go together with abdominal distension. When distended abdomen is accompanied by a feeling of fullness, it makes the pressure on the bladder. It may further lead to the occurrence of frequent urination, especially at night.
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