The fungi Candida and yeast infection
Candida albicans is a fungus that in the certain situations may lead to the yeast infection. The fungus Candida lives normally in the gastrointestinal tract and it is not dangerous when it is control. The friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are responsible for the regulating of Candida. However, when the balance between the good bacteria and the fungi is impaired, yeast infection may appear.
When a person takes antibiotics to treat certain health problem, the antibiotics kills the bacteria in the human body. Thus, the friendly bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract are also eliminated. Since there are not good bacteria any more in the gastrointestinal tract, Candida starts to produce itself in enormous amounts and this leads to the yeast infection, which is also well known as thrush or candidiasis.
The yeast infection can occur in the area around the mouth, or it can be genital. It can appear in males as in females, although the vaginal yeast infection is more common than penile yeast infection. The main symptoms of vaginal yeast infection are vaginal discharge and itching, while the most frequent symptoms of penile yeast infection are rash on the penis and burning sensation accompanied by itching.
Cures for Candida
It is very important to treat yeast infection on time in order to prevent many complications that can arise from untreated yeast infections. Many doctors usually prescribe antifungal medicines, such as Clotrimazole, Miconazole, Tioconazole or Butoconazole and the infected people can use medicine orally, or apply certain solutions on the affected area. Furthermore, in the case of vaginal thrush infection, the women can insert the medications into the vagina.
There have been many studies in order to establish which cure is the most effective when yeast infection is in question. It is proven that many medications usually just relieve the symptoms of yeast infections and that those medications do not completely cure the infection. Therefore, recurring yeast infection usually appears. Many people try to treat yeast infection with natural healing diets or food programs. These methods can be good to reduce the symptoms of this condition by preventing the growth of the fungi. However, when one opts for this method, he/she has to stick to it for a long period. Many specialists recommend holistic remedies when the yeast infection is a problem, because these remedies treat the whole body, while conventional medications just relieve the symptoms of the yeast infection.
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