About Rhodiola Rosea
Rhodiola rosea is the herb also known as golden root,roseroot or even Aaron’s rod, in some cases. It grows in cold areas of theworld, including high mountains in America, Asia and Europe, as well as Arctic,Scandinavia and Iceland. This herb is found to be useful for people sufferingfrom depression, and also for mood improvement. It can also reduce tiredness,stress and positively affects physical and mental being.
Some scientists believe that this herb can change level ofserotonin and dopamine in the body, while influencing beta endorphins at thesame time. However, these ways of action have not been clearly confirmed yet,although the herb itself has been subject to some scientific research.
Rhodiola is found to contain over 80 useful ingredients, androsiridin, rosavin, rosin, rosarin, rhodioloside and tyrosol are the mostpowerful and most active. Rosiridin is connected with beneficial effects of theherb, especially in the treatment of depression and senile dementia, but thecombination of these components is what is believed to give such an efficiency tothis herbal remedy.
What Can Rhodiola Be Used For
This plant has been used for centuries to help peopledealing with everyday stress, especially among people living in Scandinavia andRussia. Rhodiola is less known in the United States, but after the book TheRhodiola Revolution, many people started with the treatment, looking for theway to reduce the stress and ensure true happiness in their lives.
There were also some promising animal studies, showing thatlab animals significantly decreased weight gain and appetite changes related tohigh level of stress.
Rhodiola is therefore classified as adaptogen plant, whichmeans it can be used as strong tonic for the neural and endocrine systems. It worksby aiding the cells of your body to create and store energy, which in turnimproves the ability to cope with stressful occasions in your life.
Although you might think that you are able to resist efficientlyto stress you are faced with every day, your body may not react in the sameway. In the book (The Rhodiola Revolution), authors explain the subtle signs ofyour body, relating them to the stress. You could look cool on the outside, butyour body may be hurt and can suffer because of the stress. Introducing Rhodiola inyour life can help you achieve complete calmness and help you relieve thestress. This way, Rhodiola can be your therapy for stress and diseases it mayraise, as well as for increasing your overall energy.
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