Arthritis is usually characterized with the swelling andpain in the joints. Osteoarthritis is one of the most common types of thedisease and these patients suffer from serious inflammation of the joints. Treatmentscan include different antibiotics and pain relievers in the form of syrups,tablets or injections. For the people who would want to try more naturaltherapy, there are plenty of herbal arthritis remedies available on the market.
This is one of the most recommended herbal treatments for arthritis,especially for patients whose arthritis runs in the family. The herb isavailable as the powder or tea mixture, and most herbalists recommend usingalfalfa tea, if you have arthritis.
European naturopaths frequently advise their arthritispatients to use angelica, since the herb is known to have dozens of pain killerand anti-inflammatory ingredients.
Black Cohosh
American Indians, however, used and still use black cohosh. Simmerthe root of this plant for 20 minutes, filter the tea and drink in two dosesduring the day. The treatment is recommended to take about 2 to 3 weeks, andthe naturopaths recommend a week’s break, before starting the treatment allover again.
This powerful anti-inflammatory herb acts similar to some non-steroidalanti-inflammatory medications. These properties are extremely rare and usefulfor patients suffering from arthritis.
This plant is extremely rich in minerals and various anti-inflammatorycompounds, and for that reason often recommended by naturopaths for arthritispatients either cooked or raw.
Every Indian will recommend using ginger tea or compresses, torelieve arthritis swelling.
Ginseng liquor and ginsenoisides present in this fluid areproven to be very helpful for people under any kind of stress. Be careful, becausefor this purpose you should use American ginseng, not the Asian type, and thewrong type of herb can even worsen arthritis pain.
Another very useful herb for arthritis patients, used forcenturies to relieve allergies and inflammations.
Free radicals are the cause of inflammations of the joints,and oregano can successfully deal with them, protecting the joints from furtherdamage.
Bromelain from pineapples will help your body to digestfibrin, the substance blamed for swelling in some types of arthritis.
Since ancient times, Native Americans used rosemary tea toimprove signs and symptoms of arthritis.
Sesame seeds
Copper found in sesame seeds is proven helpful for the increasednutritional needs for the body of arthritis patients.
All over the Asia, turmeric is used to treat various medicalproblems, including the ones associated with joints. Curcumin present inturmeric is the ingredient responsible for all anti-inflammatory actions thisspice possesses.
Willow is a natural source of salicin. Remember salicylic acidin Aspirin? That’s the same substance here, and some even call this herbnatural Aspirin. Because of the ingredients, willow can decrease your pain andinflammation, helping you to deal with arthritis symptoms.
Although this is the herb recommended for arthritispatients, be careful. Wintergreen can be dangerous in concentrated forms,especially as the essential oil, so use dried herb instead.
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