Rhodiola and the main characteristics
Rhodiola rosea is an herb that has been known for itsbenefits for ages, and that has a wide range of uses. It is a part of thetraditional medicine in Eastern Europe and Asia, but it is interesting that theSoviet Union did many researches on this herb,as well as on many others, since they saw it as a way to compete with the Westeven in medicine. Some of the benefits of this herb regarding nervous system, immunityand memory, as well as its ability of helping in the process of losing weight, increasingsexual function and improving the levels of energy are the main reasons why itis becoming more and more popular in Europe and North America. Also, the fact that it is a very powerful antioxidant makesit very useful in the treatment of cancer.
Side effects of rhodiola
As for the side effects, it has been proven that there aresome, but the fact is also that they occur very rarely. Still, it is not a reasonwhy people should not be aware of them. Among the problems that may cause the mostserious complications are its possibility to affect blood pressure and increaseit, and a possibility to act as a blood thinner. This is why it is highlyrecommended not to use this herb before the surgery of any kind, and to consultthe doctor in case a person is already taking some blood-thinning medications,or even vitamin E.
Side effects that have also been reported by people whileusing this herb include anxiety, which is why individuals who experiencenervous excitability and feverish states are not advised to use this herbwithout a supervision of a qualified person. As for the risk group to which pregnant and breastfeedingwomen belong, even though no side effects to mother or the baby in such caseshave ever been reported, it is not recommended to use it unless reallynecessary and unless the doctor suggests it. When it comes to the possible side effects, one thing thatis practically common for all the herbs, supplements and medicines refers toallergic reactions, which is something that simply cannot be predicted, andyet, it cannot be excluded.
It is necessary to warn all the people who plan to use thisherb to buy it only if it is of Russian origin because certain forms ofrhodiola that are being sold in the USA do not contain active components.
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