Information on Mediterranean Diet
Most people imagine crusty whole-grain bread, meals of fish,olive oil, glasses of wine, olives and fruits when the thought Mediterraneandiet crosses their minds.
Those who live in the Mediterranean regions haveenjoyed such diets for many centuries. The diet involves plenty of plant foodsand as much monounsaturated fats as possible and it needs to be accompaniedwith plenty of physical activities. Mediterranean diet provides the human bodywith numerous health benefits.
It is very efficient inaiding the process of weight loss, preventing diabetes, lowering the bloodpressure, reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the blood, increasing thelevels of good cholesterol in the blood reducing the risk of heart diseases,reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and numerous other medical conditions.
Health Benefits of Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diet is very healthy because it includesvarious different types of food such as fruits, seeds, vegetables, beans, nutsand whole grains. They provide the human body with precious nutrients likemicronutrients, essential minerals, vitamins and antioxidants. These nutrientsare very efficient when it comes to prevention and treatment of numerousdifferent kinds of medical conditions. The diet is so complex that it cannot besimulated by any mixture of nutritional supplements.
Most of those nutrientshave very potent anti inflammatory and other properties. The diet also providesthe human body with sufficient amounts of dietary fiber which means that it isvery efficient in aiding the process of digestion, reducing obesity andimproving the insulin sensitivity. Mediterranean diet can also be observed as alifestyle in a certain way, and it is a very healthy lifestyle because itincludes a reduced risk of stroke, different types of cancer and heartdiseases.
American population is much more sedentary than the people who livein the Mediterranean region, and that is also an important fact. TheMediterranean diet actually increases longevity and life expectancy.
How to Follow a Mediterranean Diet
Mediterranean diet can be adopted into one’s personallifestyle without actually moving to Mediterranean regions. The diet involvesfresh and local food with plenty of plant food and as little saturated fats,animal proteins and processed foods as possible. Regular physical activity is amust, as well. The most common types of food which are common ingredients ofthe Mediterranean diet are vegetables, wine, fruits, small amounts of meat,legumes, low-fat dairy products, nuts, eggs, seeds, poultry, olive oil, smallamounts of fish, whole grains, cereals and pasta.
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