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Something you might have not known

In medical terms, breasts represent the upper ventral region of the torso. When it comes to the members of the female, population they are endowed with the mammary gland, which is known to produce milk, essential as a food source for the infants. When it comes to certain shared characteristics, both the members of the female and the male population develop their breasts from the same embryological tissues. But when puberty comes, the female sex hormones (estrogen in the first place) initiate an advanced development of the breasts, which is known to lack in men in the same period of their lives. A direct consequence is that women end up with much bigger breasts than men, of course.

BIG fascination

When it comes to men’s talk, it is a fact that the greatest majority enjoys discussing female breasts by far the most. They are something that just never seizes to fascinate nor bore men, no matter how much they talk about them. And while on one hand men cannot seem to get enough of them, women tend to think, perhaps too much, about such issues as too small a size or too big breasts. When it comes to the big secret, the holy grail for many, it all boils down to the following – to a great extent the size is dependable upon the quantity of fat a person is “gifted” within that specific area. Unfortunately, no one can say for sure why this is in some women much more substantial that in others.

One of the beliefs that emerged in the most recent past comes from Dr. Leonard Shlain (surgeon), who is of the opinion that the breasts as women know them today were actually a product of a change in sex-position preferences, namely a change from doggie style to missionary position, which took place in the time of our ancestors.

Given the fact that males’ interest in large breasts has been on the rise constantly, it is not so unthinkable at all that more and more women undergo various procedures, such as breast augmentation in order to keep up with the demand. This translated into numbers reveals that as much as 300.000 such procedures were performed last year only, and American Society of Plastic Surgeons officially confirmed these data. When it comes to the overall numbers, it has been confirmed that staggering 2 million women in the United States have artificial breasts.

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