Bladder and allergies
This specific condition is also familiar under the name of allergic bladder. Extremely unpleasant downside of it is, that it often has a tendency to worsen and develop into interstitial cystitis. Translated into numbers and applied to the American population, means that approximately one million people have been affected by the unpleasant influence of this syndrome. Another important fact is that members of the female population tend to be affected by this condition more often than men, or children.
When it comes to overall characteristics and the nature of this syndrome, it needs to be emphasized that the exact causes cannot be identified, nor fully confirmed. This, of course, makes the entire matter even more awkward because the person in question can never know when the syndrome is going to show its “face” and start causing problems, since it comes all of a sudden and affects the bladder almost immediately.
Ailment exposed and defined
This awkward condition is marked by an unavoidable need to visit either the lady’s or the men’s room, despite the fact that one’s bladder has not reached its maximum and full capacity. And this is exactly one of the main difficulties a person suffering from this condition has to face, the other being inability to hold until the toilet is reached – for some an even more unpleasant thing. What actually happens is that the person’s bladder tricks itself into feeling fuller than it really is. As a direct consequence of this, the bladder itself contracts all too soon, and forcibly, so to speak, which brings about nothing but unbearable uneasiness given this condition has an awful habit to attack when least expected.
The exposing manifestations
Even though there is not any list of definite causes that induce this condition, there are some tell tale signs that should not be disregarded because they surely point out this syndrome. These are the following – pain in the person’s bladder, having to get up at night too often and visit the toilet, experiencing a burning sensation while relieving yourself, frequent urination, and last but not the least suffering from the pain in the bladder that has the tendency to deteriorate once a person consumes specific food varieties or drinks particular beverages. The treatment procedure options are many. One of such is a therapy with oral pentosan polysulfate or Amitriptyne, as well as pelvic floor treatments, biofeedback, bladder instillations and surgical procedures.
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