Discolored teeth can be an unsightly and unwanted problem. Even the best smiles can be negatively affected by the presence of discolored teeth. Many people are now undergoing procedures to help rectify this problem, and the process is becoming one of the most popular methods of cosmetic enhancement.
Causes of discoloration
The consumption of foods and beverages such as tea, coffee, wine and soda can all lead to discoloration. Further to this, those who smoke regularly are also vulnerable to the onset of discoloration of the teeth. Staining occurs when pollutants such as those indicated above penetrate the porous covering of the teeth enamel.
Types of procedure
In-Office Teeth Whitening requires a visit to the dentist. The dentist will clean the teeth completely before placing protective material in the mouth. This will serve to protect the gums, inner cheeks and lips from the tooth whitener. The whitening gel is applied to the teeth, then a laser is shone on the teeth in order to activate the gel. Laser application normally lasts about twenty minutes.
The effects of this procedure are normally noticed immediately, and teeth can become noticeably whiter within forty five minutes. This type of whitening procedure allows one more control over the achievement of ones desired goals. However, the procedure can be expensive and some people will experience sensitivity after undergoing the procedure. This sensitivity is likely to be temporary.
At-Home Tooth Bleaching employs the usage of kits that will be recommended or provided by a dentist. Kits might also be available over-the-counter. These kits normally come with mouth trays to be inserted into the mouth. The trays are normally filled with whitening gel, which is then placed on the teeth. Trays can be left in place for a short period of time, or even overnight. Results will begin to become clear after about five to ten days of usage of this type of product. This method is normally relatively inexpensive, especially when compared to the in-office procedure. On the other hand, results will take longer to achieve. However, over time the results will be comparable to those that can be achieved in the dentist’s office.
Results obtained through both of these methods will of course vary from person to person. One should also be aware that chemical burns can occur if the whitening gel comes into contact with unprotected tissue. Sensitivity might also be experienced, but many dentists will provide fluoride treatment in order to counter these effects.
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